5. Remembering The Life Of Noire

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"The past is a GHOST, the future is a DREAM, and all we ever had is NOW!"

Noire herself is already experiencing paranormal activity. She saw a ghost; maybe she was Noire's mom but no she is something else trying to protect Noire.

"What are you looking at?" Said the inspector. "Miss Noire stop dreaming!"

Suddenly a loud crack came - it was a slap from the inspector. Noire didn't cry but felt its pain in her heart. Then Noire stood up and ran to her bedroom.

"Don't cry," she mumbled to herself. Her chin trembled. She took a long, shuddering breath and blinked rapidly to see past the rim of warm wetness threatening to overspill her eyes. Her tears silently filled her eyes. Her shaking hands became clenched fists and she dug her fingers into her palm as she bit her quivering lip. Her tears filled up the pillow with wet drops of pain.

While she was crying the noise of that day came back.

"Hey Miss please listen to me, do something bad to the inspector please I beg you!" Cried Noire.

Then it responded, "Ok, ich werde es tun mein Engel von kleinen Tod."

Noire fell asleep thinking of revenge. While Noire fell asleep the Ghost went to the inspector's room.

The inspector was reading a book, then an eldritch reverberation came, "Ba-B-Bl-oood!"

The walls started having dark lines which had an appearance similar to veins. With the ebony of the night, it made the mysterious figure seem more horrendous; alarming; creepy; intimidating and bloodcurdling. It's presence was unpleasant to the inspector. It's sound was unbearable. The spook said some orison then killed the inspector in seconds by a simple glimpse.

In the morning a servant came to check the inspector then she saw a dead body sitting on a chair.

"Ahhhhhhh, help please - people the inspector is dead!" Said the servant.

Later they tried to call the hospital but the doctor said that there is no chance of the inspector to survive.

As that deadly day turned night, Noire was having visions.

It was 7 pm. The night was haunted and lit with stars. As Noire walked to her room she felt a cold breeze on her neck. It gave her a feeling of comfortability. When she headed to her room the lights went off so she lit a candle. Finally she was on her bed then she fell asleep.

Suddenly she could hear a silent scream - "Noire where are you?" Then she heard. "Here's why you can do that."

Noire was terrified; her little hands were shaking because of fear; her blue eyes were wide open; even she would say to herself that she is crazy, but then a vivid vision came.

It showed Utayohax and Rosemary with Harry. She saw the part that the devil betrayed them then they were killed. She saw Philip Mendlehock and the reason why he became schizophrenic. Then came Lady Fiel'em on her blood bath. Unexpectedly the most traumatic moment came, the memory of the separation of her with Miss Andorynhm.

Noire could just be five years old but she saw what no human being can see. She felt all the experiences of the ghosts who lie behind her past. Noire wouldn't really understand what was happening but what she understood is that she has a special disease.

Her vivid nightmares were bloodcurdling. The dreams stopped exactly at 2:09 am then she heard someone singing:

"Once the dream did weave a shade
O'er my angel-guarded bed,
That an emmet lost its way
Where on grass methought I lay.

Troubled, wildered, and forlorn,
Dark, benighted, travel-worn,
Over many a tangled spray,
All heart-broke, I heard her say:

'O my children! do they cry,
Do they hear their father sigh?
Now they look abroad to see,
Now return and weep for me.'

Pitying, I dropped a tear:"
"But I saw a glow-worm near,
Who replied, 'What wailing wight
Calls the watchman of the night?

'I am set to light the ground,
While the beetle goes his round:
Follow now the beetle's hum;
Little wanderer, hie thee home!"

It was the Ghost from that day. Then Noire thought that her early life was just a bunch of murders; suicides; deaths and especially that, "Memory is what makes us human but I don't have any so am I a human?"


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