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***********THE WEDDING DAY***********


All of the ladies were dressed and we stood in my kitchen and I was pouring the final shots for Lisa as a single lady.

"Here we go raise your glasses to Lisa Michelle Mitchell saying good bye to her and hello to the new woman" I say and we all down the shot.

"The Limo is here ladies" Bianca says Bianca who is Bre's sister who's friends with Deanna and Lisa

"Okay yall go ahead we're coming" Lisa says and Bernice walks them out

"You ready?" I ask

"Yea but are you okay" she asks

"I'm fine just ready to see you get married and lose my best friend" I say and smile

"You're not losing me I'm here still your right hand woman when you go on the road I'm right there with you all the way the same way Barry is there for Chris" she says

"WOW I never heard you call him Barry before, so how long after yall had sex did you find out what his real name was?" I giggle

"If you must know right after the first time thank you" she laughs and we hug

"Oh okay I didn't think you knew" I laugh

"What's wrong, I know you" she asks

"When are we all leaving for Hawaii? I ask

"Saturday morning early that morning, but that's not it tell me" she pressed

"I'm pregnant" I say

"Chris ( I look at her like she's stupid) Wayne?" she asks

"Yea but I'm not going to keep it I got an appointment Wednesday at a private clinic. But any way lets go get you married" I say as we walk out.


We were at the church in the pastors office the crew was just chilling messing with Mijo telling him it's not too late for him to run, I stood there helping him fix his tie ever so often glance at his face which had a solid smile on it.

"You ready my nigga?' I asked

"Yea man I can't wait to see her, I'm in niggas" he smiled

"Nigga that's one woman for the rest of your life no side dishes no groupies no none of that" Aaron said

"I know man she's all I need" he said still smiling

"Alright then that's what's up nigga" I say the door opens grooms men it's about that time places please. Kim says Kim who's the wedding planner all the guys go to Mijo and shake his hand and leave

"You cool man?" he asked me

"It's your day my nigga forget about me we'll talk after" I say backing up taking a picture of Mijo and tweeting and instagraming it

"Nigga did you just take a picture of me?" he ask looking in the mirror

"Yea I did" I say

"NIGGA YOU GAY" He said sounding like riley from the boondocks

"Whatever nigga" I say as we both laugh

"MAN I'm getting married I thought you'd be the first on to take that dive" he says

''Yea me too man but hey I'm happy for you" I say looking at my phone going thru the pictures of me and Deanna together and her and Christian together. I knew Christian was my favorite mostly because he looked more like Deanna to me and when I held him I felt like I was holding a big part of her and if I could have her with me always he was the next best thing. Both of my boys were I was so lost in the picture that Mijo throw a shoe box at me hitting me in the head

LIFE ITSELF (A CHRISBROWN LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now