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"Get out of the kitchen you're eating up everything" Tasha fusses and I laugh

"fine then I have to use the restroom anyway " I say and walk more like waddle away and I see the front door open up and I see Bow bringing bags and he kisses her on the cheek and she see Mijo walk in with bags

"MIJO HI BOOBOO" I say and he puts bags down and he hugs me

"How you doing?" he asks rubbing my belly

"I'm good but I gotta use it and I wanna use the one upstairs so I'll see you sometime next week" I giggle and star up the stairs and I finally made it up the stairs and I go to the bath room and use it and wash my hand and come out of the bathroom and walk passed Janice room

"Angel" momma says and I back up

"Hi, I didn't know you were here" I said walk in to the room and hug her

"Come in I wanna talk how you doing?" she asked as I push the door up

"Okay I guess baby is kicking my butt" I say

"No I mean with you and Chris... I can tell you are hurting just as much as he is." Joyce says

"I can't take his drama anymore" I said

"Chris was wrong but you don't know how he really feels, have you talked to him yet?" she asked

"No, he used to call from your house a lot so now I won't answer calls from your number, I just don't think he loves me" I say meanwhile Chris comes in and put the bags down and goes up stairs with his clothes to go take a shower he walks by the room and hears them talking and he stops and listens

"Aww my angel (Joyce puts both of my face) and we all have problems and I know you love I can see it in your eyes, I can hear it in your voice, and I can hear the pain your feeling but how can you know how he feels if you never speak to him" she says Chris walks off into the bedroom and goes to the bathroom and gets in the shower.

"Because he stops trying to contact me, so I know it's over, I got in touch with my lawyer and I'm going to file for divorce after the baby is born" I say and Joyce hugs me

"I hope you don't just talk to him okay" Joyce says

"Okay momma" I say rubbing my stomach and she leaves the room and I leave the room but go to my room there and closes the door and goes to my suit case and start looking thru is when I hear the bathroom door open and I look and see it's Chris.

"Deanna, Deanna (Chris comes to and hugs me, me not hugging him back) I missed you (kissing me on the forehead)I really missed you and I'm sorry" he says

"Chris how about you shouldn't do shit to be a sorry for" I say

"Deanna look at me please I love you and I apologize for that but I was drugged and for the pictures and shit I'm sorry but you can be upset you should be I was wrong I did wrong" he says

"You know what I've been through, I just want you to understand, and I don't need you to shield me from anything when you're the one doing it to me" say and I walk for the door but Chris puts his hand on the door.

"Hear me please stop running all the damn time and just list to me please( I turn around and look at him) I was wrong I didn't mean to break your heart but if you give me that chance my last chance I'll make it up to you like I have never had before I love you with my whole heart, because of you and my babies people see a different man and that's because of you , you have made my life worth living again be stubborn all you want, but I know you I know you love me I know those feelings didn't conveniently fade away because your mad at me. And you have every right to be I'm not leaving this room without you, I'm not waking up another morning without being able to look at you next to me. Deanna you're my wife and I'll wanna take that title back I never wanna be without you again you're my heart and if I have to move to Atlanta or wherever I got to go I am just to be with you, I promise I'll be the one you can trust. (He touches my face and I touché that hand)I LOVE YOU; I've been trying to be more of a man for you I promise one last chance I'll love you like you never been loved before you searching an wondering how deep my love is baby all I know is how I feel when I look into your eyes you always leave me breathless." He says

LIFE ITSELF (A CHRISBROWN LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now