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A Few days later Deanna still wasn't back yet and I spoke to Mijo and he told me that Wayne had booked 2 more shows on the tour and that they would be back here today most likely tonite. I got up and got the kids their breakfast and their baths which they find it funny to wet me up after their water fight which I always lost I got them dressed for the boys soccer game and started to put them in the car.

"Daddy, Daddy" Christof says

"Yes squirt?" I say

"Can I have totaas like yours" he asks touching my hand tats

"You sure can I'll take you in 12 years" I say as I lock harmony in her car seat as she touches my face

"Is that tomorrow" he asked straight face

"GO BLUE BIRDS" Deanna yells and I look over at the side and I see the most beautiful woman in the world standing there and boys see her and wave like crazy and start back playing soccer I tap harmony and point.

"MOMMY!!" Harmony says and runs to her and she picks her up slow

"Put that big girl down before you hurt yourself" Joyce says as she walks to Deanna and takes Harmony from her putting her down and hugs her

"I wasn't going to keep holding her" she says and Joyce hugs Maya and bow they walk to the bleachers and sit down and Harmony gets in Deanna's lap what's left I know these bleachers can hurt your ass so I get up off the pillow that I had and walk to Deanna and hand her the pillow.

"Here sit on this bae (I stand there holding out the pillow and she straight ignores me like I wasn't even there) Bae please can you please mama" I say Joyce takes the pillow from me and taps her and gets up with some help and sits down on the pillow and I walk to Bow and start talking to him. After an hour and an half the game was over the boys came running to Deanna hugging her and she hugged them too.

"We miss you mommy" they say

"We miss you mommy" they say

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"Missed yall too" she says

"Are you home for good?" Christian ask touching my face

"Sorry no I got leave tonite" Deanna says and I'm like the fuck Wayne is going to keep her from her kids

"Really?" Christof ask

"NO NOT REALLY I'm staying for here ever" She says and they jump up and down

"Mommy can us ride with you?" harmony asks

"No there's no room your uncle Calvin and uncle bow and aunt Maya and Bernice are riding with me" she says and I watch them look sad

"Hey how about the kids ride in my car Maya can drive and that way they can ride with you and me and Bow will ride with Cal and Bernice" I say but Deanna didn't say anything to me let alone look at me

LIFE ITSELF (A CHRISBROWN LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now