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"I got some updates I need to tell you" the doctor said I felt like I wanted to throw up my heart pounded so hard I was sure he could see it throw my shirt.

"Okay" I said

"Take a breath, everything is fine Deanna is fine we was able to stop the bleeding and give her some medicine that will help her she's still a little out of it but she is fine" the doctor says

"And my son how is he" I asked worried

"Breathe the babies are fine we checked them and everything is just fine" the doctor says

"Babies as in two, we didn't know we was having two are they either boys or one of each?" I asked

"They both boys' very healthy boys" the doctor says and touch my shoulder I put both of my arms on the top of my head then went down to a squatting motion

"Oh my goodness two boys, does Deanna know?" I asked

"No I thought she already knew and so I didn't bother saying it was two babies" the doctor says

"Okay thank you so much, can we go and see her or the boys?" I ask

"3 people are allowed in the room, you will have to take it in turns and the same thing goes for the babies they are under Jones twins" The doctor nodded, walking away. I stood up and turned around and walked back into the waiting area

"What did he say?" everyone asked

"He said everything is fine Deanna is fine we was able to stop the bleeding and give her some medicine that will help her she's still a little out of it but she is fine" I said

"OH THANK GOD" All of them say

"And the baby how is he?" Jean ask

"The babies are fine we checked them and everything is just fine" I said trying to hold back my smile

"You said BABIES AS IN TWO?" Jean asked

"Yes two babies both are boys' very healthy boys.... I got sons" I said smiling everyone hugs each other.

"BOYS, WOW" Mijo says

"He said that we can go see her and the babies they are under jones twins" I said

"Who wants to go in first?" Lisa says and turned to the crew

"Can I go in first please... alone? I need to talk to her" I said.

"Of course you go first then the grand mothers and grandmother's sister will go and yall can figure out the rest." Jean says I turn around and walk out down the hall to where the nurses' station.

"Hi I'm here to see Deanna Jones" I said

"WOW Chris brown I hate to ask but can I get picture with you?" she asks

"Sure I'm in a good mood now" I say and pose with her

"She's in room 1007 to the right, thank you I love the album" she says as I walk off to find Deanna's room and I walk to it and open the door and walk in and there I see the most beautiful woman in the world laying there watching tv.

"Bae" I said and her face looks at me real quick then she starts to cry I walk to her and hug her

"It something wrong with my body, I give my first daughter cancer, now my body try's to kill our son" Deanna says

LIFE ITSELF (A CHRISBROWN LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now