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We sat there for at least 3 hours not saying one word to each other until I fell asleep and I felt my phone buzz which cause me to wake up and when I did I notice I stretched out one the floor and I sat up and Deanna and the boys wasn't in the room, I sat up slow my side hurting from the one good punch that bitch got off of me I took out my phone and saw it was Mijo who texted me... Why is he texting me on his honeymoon, I check the text >NIGGA Keeis just told me what happen why the fuck you didn't wait til I got there I wanted a part of that bitch too man, your so selfish< that made me laugh I stood up slowly and did a pain groan as I left the room and started for the stairs I saw there was a lock smith there changing the locks and I walk all the way down stairs and I see that the living room was cleaned up spotless and I felt so bad that I knew I wanted to replace everything that was broken, I walked into the living room and toward the kitchen where I heard Deanna talking.

"No I don't care I can't believe you no I don't care you can say you're sorry all you want I don't want to hear it you didn't have to fight, so what I'm mad at you and Wayne that's why I got my locks changed cause I don't want him popping in anymore without me knowing it, look I'm done talking (I walk into the kitchen where I see my boys eating homemade tacos and Christof looks at me) I don't wanna hear it" she says

"DADDY!" Christof says and I smile and walk to him and Deanna looks at me and rolls her eyes and goes outside on the patio and the siding door is still open. I go to them and they start feeding their food

"Thank you" I say and kiss them

"Here" Christian says

"You eat it" I giggle and walked to the patio door

"Drake I don't care I'm getting off the phone so what I told Wayne I wasn't keeping this baby so yall can stop okay" she says She's pregnant , pregnant by Wayne damn...I can't let her get rid of it, that baby didn't do anything wrong or ask to be here, I walk out to her. "Please don't get rid of it" I says and she turns around and looks at me shocked that either I was listening or that I didn't care she was caring some other niggas baby

LIFE ITSELF (A CHRISBROWN LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now