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I started cleaning up the mess the kids made they was taking a nap including Chris they had their lunch and now it was nap time I was down stair almost down with the living room.

^BUZZ BUZZ^ I walked to the intercom thinking who could it be

BEEP-"WHO IS IT?" I said like I normally do

(Intercom)"Lisa" she says

BEEP-"What do you want bitch?" I asked

(Intercom)"Deanna please I have no one else to turn too, please" she says

"Bae" Chris says and I turn and look at him

"What?" I say

"Let her in (I shook my head no and he came downstairs and buzzed her in) she said she had no one else" he says as he unlocked and opened the door and walked out to the porch watching her pull up. And I walk to the kitchen and pour me a glass red wine and go and lean on the kitchen door as I sip my wine. Lisa gets out of the car and goes to the back seat and the baby out of the car and the baby bag and Chris walks to her and hugs her.

"Who's this pretty girl?" he asks as he takes her from Lisa and they walk in.

"That's Brianna" Lisa says as they walk in and Chris closes the door and she sits on the couch and Chris sits on the chair near the kitchen door where I'm standing.

"How you been? He asks

"Okay could be better and I just wanna thank yall for letting me come in and see yall I really missed yall both a lot" she says wiping her eyes I could tell she's been crying and that she wasn't happy.

"So who's baby you got??" he asks and I look down at the baby

"She looks like Mijo" I say and Chris looks at me and then back at the baby

"This woman came by my house and drop her off a few weeks ago she said she couldn't take care of her anymore" she says

"WAIT! So this is Mijo's baby?" he ask

"Yea it is and Mijo doesn't care that he got me taking care of another womans baby like it's alright" she says

"Hold up wasn't yall two the one call Chris stupid for wanting to take care of another man's baby and now look at you your raisin someone else BAD SEED" I say as I gulp down the rest of my wine

"I derisive that, I do and I'm sorry for saying that to you Deanna I really mean it you've been such a great friend to me and I did you wrong and I hope you can forgive me one day" she says

"Well maybe one day which sure as hell won't be today... you did me so fucking wrong and now look at you your hurting all because of what Alasia did" I say and Chris and Lisa look at me.

"How you know her name?" she asks

"Cause she Lajune's cousin and I meet her around the time she got pregnant by Mijo she told me they was dating, and if you WAS my friend I would have called and told you but since you wasn't I didn't give two shits what happen I even went to her baby shower" I say as I go and pour me a glass of Hennessey and walk back to the door way and drink my drank and just look at her.

"Bae" he says

"What? I'm grown I went with Lajune and to be honest Alasia is the victim here Mijo knew he was married" I say the look of hurt in Lisa's eyes said it all and I honestly say I didn't care not part of me felt bad at all for her pain. Soon Lisa left and I had cooked dinner and the kids went to Corey's house for the weekend and I had dinner already and I was sitting in the living room waiting on Bow and Maya to show up and I was just sitting sipping on some Brandy and redbull with a splash of orange juice.

LIFE ITSELF (A CHRISBROWN LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now