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"Nigga you are Drunk as fuck, you need to go to sleep" Jerome stood up, helping me up the stairs.

"Get off me, I'm fine" I spat, pushing off him.

"Chris, go to bed" Bernice mumbled. I was too fucked too fight with her, so I walked up the stairs and She stood at the edge of the bed and watched me get comfortable.

"Get Deanna for me" I groaned.

"She's not going to come out" Bernice says

"Make her then please" I said Mijo and Jerome walks in the room and I sit up.

"My nigga talk to me" Mijo says

"I know I messed up but she's so fired up anything I say will set her off" I say

"Nigga you should bury your head in the fucking sand with embarrassment, you think if you say sorry it'll be okay. It won't be nigga. Mijo says

"Man I don't wanna see her with no dude man, but I don't know where to start if she won't even speak to me you know". I say sitting up

"Chris I think you should try plan b." Tasha says

"Plan B?" Chris says rubbing his hands over his face

"B somewhere else" Tasha says and walks off

"I never saw Tasha so mad at me like this. I said


I laid there crying and crying even after Bernice came and told me Chris wanted me to come here I just couldn't do it, Tasha and Lisa came back into my room and we sat on the couch in my room and talked.

"I'm hurt because someone that I love and care about so much can hurt me like this (wiping tears) I don't wanna be in a relationship anymore cause he's just playing me, I wanna trust him but I can't because the moment he gets around a pretty girl he'll wanna touch them, I know I'm supposed to want be in a relationship with him but I'd just end up with a broken heart and a bunch of his old t shirt. I say rubbing my belly

"That's so fucked up uhg so sicking I wanna go punch him in his shit" Tasha fusses

"Saying he's sorry how about don't do nothing to be ""I'M SORRY"" for how about that, no ""I'M SORRY"" will soon lose it's mean when you keep apologizing over and over. I cry

"Men are supposed to love and protect their woman not hurt and betray them" Lisa says as she holds my hand.

"It's like oh you're hurt?? Well me too cuz somebody has been stealing my fucks or I would honestly give you 1 to get you thru." I say and Lisa and Tasha giggle

"That's mean" Lisa laughs A few hours later I laid in the bed rubbing my stomach feeling the baby kick and thinking, I felt bad for what I said about not letting him see his child. So I got up and went to Chris's door and slammed my hand across it continuously. I heard a slight bang coming from the other end of the door and Chris opened it, with red eyes. I looked down in his hand and he was holding a bottle of vodka and a blunt. I knew that was not Chris, and I knew I had to save him.

"Chris please don't do this" I breathed, closing the door behind me as I walked in.

"Do what? I don't have you God knew I was broken and he sent you to me to help me get back together piece by piece" He slurred

LIFE ITSELF (A CHRISBROWN LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now