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The Pastor stops right before I could get that special kiss but hey I'm happy. After church we all are standing outside by the car Joyce and Janice being thefts that they are stole all the kids and wanted to keep them overnight so me and Chris could have sometime alone which I wasn't mad at.

"Yall are back together again" Tasha says and hugs us both

"He didn't even look for me I saw that peanut head go down and I was like he wasn't even going to see if I was even here so let me go to him" I say and everyone laughs and Chris kisses me on the cheek and whispers in my ear and I look at him and smile.

"So what's everyone's plan for tonite?" Maya asked

"Well mines is this woman here" Chris says and wraps his arms around my waist and raises his eyebrows a few times

"Yall are like rabbits man" Mijo says everyone laughs

"I wanna cook dinner for everyone tonite but if everyone has plans then another night then" Maya says

"Nope we're coming" Mijo says pointing at him and Naima

"Yo free food we're there too" Hood says smiling

"CHRISTOPHER" Pastor Ray says and Chris turns and looks and pastor ray waves him to him.

"Be back bae" he says and kisses me on the cheek and walks away

"What's for dinner and what time is dinner?" Tyga asks

"Pork chops, mash potatoes, gravy, fried corn, shrimp salad, steak centers on a stick, and for dessert banana cream pie!" Maya says and me and Tasha start silly dancing around

"I'M READY I'M READY I'M READY" me and Tasha sing together everyone laughs

"What time is dinner?" Hood ask

"8:30 but if yall come a little early we can watch the game which starts at 7:30" Bow says

"We'll be there at 7:00pm" Hood says we all laugh

"Deanna, Deanna ( I turn around and look at Chris and he waves me to him and I walk to him and as I get closer he holds his hand out and I grab his hand and stand next to him) Bae this is Pastor Ray I've known know him I was a baby" He says

"Hello Deanna, Christopher been telling me a lot about you finally glad to meet you" Ps.Ray says

"I hope it was all good things" I say and smile and extend my hand and Ps.Ray and he shakes my hand then he stops and starts to pray for about 5 minutes then looks at me

"God wants you two to know that Be married is never easy, never easy but we must make it work, cause love is a powerful thing, and you two have that great power inside of both of you. Keep the doors of cameration open in this marriage the both of you need to talk more so I suggest that the two of you sit down one day this week just the two of you and talk everything out how you feel how you don't feel how you wish the other felt and let that line of cameration flow and I promise you God will be pleased be because yall 2 was made for each other, if yall was to part yall would be drawn right back together not by the kids but by the love yall have for each other that love won't let yall be apart from each other that's that real love that pure love, the love couples wish they had. But it's up to yall if you wanna fight to keep it going or let it fizzle and die. Whether yall know it or not the love yall have the couples yall hang around with look up to yall marriage and they envy yall love on how strong it is... Remember this you be good to her and she'll be good to you a happy wife is a happy life" Ps.Ray says and hugs us both and prays for Chris again and we walk back to the crew hand in hand smiling.

LIFE ITSELF (A CHRISBROWN LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now