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I sat there and waved by to the man that I love and missing him all ready I tried to calm down my tears but that didn't work I just cried more and Tyga just wrapped his arm around me and I cried more and I knew out of the whole crew he understood cause he had to leave his wife and newborn baby to go on the road all I wanted to do was just die I wanted Chris back this may sound crazy but I could careless if he beat my ass I just wanted him here with me, but it was too late and I knew he had to get better but for him to be gone for so long. I was going to drive me crazy. Later that night I was in my room just lying there watching cartoons with my laptop open and just on my facebook page doing a live asks and answers with my fans when..


Finally got to the center but I didn't have to go thru the tour of the place cause everything was pretty much the same so when to my room they gave me the room I had last time and I smiled at the semi fixed wholes that I had punched in the wall and the little went thru my bags and stared me down and I looked at him like I didn't know what was up but I knew he wanted my phone but I wasn't giving it to him we stood there for about 10 minutes.

"Give me the phone please" he says

"DAMN what if my wife calls and she's in labor and I don't have my phone" I say

"Okay but you are to keep it on vibrate no using it while you walk on the grounds okay?" he says

"Okay thank you" I say and the guy leaves and I lay down and fall asleep. The next day I get up shower and head to the session and I walk in and shake Johns hand.

"Looking good how you doing? How you feeling today? How have things been it's been what 2 years " John asked me

"I'm doing real good , I feeling real good me and Deanna got back together we're married now have a daughter named Harmony and Deanna is pregnant again with twin girls and her album is doing great so I mine everything is good " I say as I smile

"So Mr. Brown they was unclear why you came back have you been violent again?" he asks

"No I haven't but I feel it coming and so I'll think back to the sessions but lately it haven't been working" I say

"So your counseling haven't helped either?" he asks and I look confused?

"What counseling?" I ask

(Laughing) "They didn't set up your sessions for 6 months, WOW that's why you relapsed and you didn't rage out you controlled it that's good so I say after 2 months here you'll be fine then set up sessions in both LA and VA so either one go to you can have them there....okay lets get started. After the session I went back to my room and laid on the couch and watched cartoons soon after that I got something to eat this time I brought enough food that I wouldn't have to go to the café cause I wasn't in the mood for no one's bullshit I got up and grab my laptop and checked to see if Deanna was online on Skype and she was. I wanna see my big pregnant baby. And I click on the online check mark, sorry fans not chatting with yall tonite.

"Video chat click call her waiting" I said to myself


Later that night I was in my room just lying there watching cartoons with my laptop open and just on my facebook page doing a live asks and answers with my fans when..

^^BOOP BOOP^^ I look and see its Skype so I open it up and I see it's Chris then

^RING, RING, RING^ I click it and open the Skype window

LIFE ITSELF (A CHRISBROWN LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now