Prologue : dangerous letter, dangerous reader

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"Mr. Director,

It is with great sadness that I send you my resignation today, after more than forty years spent at this school. Although I would have liked to stay until the end of my old age, I no longer feel the right to do so, after having been responsible for a great wrong that I hid from you for far too long. It is now time that I reveal to you the serious mistake I have committed and the consequences of my silence..."

Silent and alone, the reader of the letter discovered in an energetic rustling of paper the testimony of the old caretaker of the private Gugbo Middle school. His eyes stopped for a long time on a sentence, meditating for a long time on his understanding, as if he wanted to ensure that he was not mistaken in what he discovered:

"The young Seokjin was so devastated by what he had just experienced, the loss of his friend Seung, the revenge of his friend Taehyung, the threats from his classemates, that he saw no future for him other than in solitude and suffering, and decided to take his own life: bluntly, he decided to commit suicide. If I hadn't happened to be there precisely at that moment in that place for preparing the end of year fireworks, that's what would have happened two years ago and it would have been dramatic for this child and his family."

After rereading this passage from the letter, a feeling of rage came over the silent reader. It was a poison that was plaguing his family and he was not spared. Why had this old man waited so long to make these revelations? He was the adult and Seokjin the child, he should have gone against Seokjin's wishes who had asked him to keep quiet about what had happened. 

His rage did not lessen when he read the sequel where the old man recounted in detail the suffering of Kim Seokjin as well as the wrongs of various heirs whom he dared to name, and that he arrived at the end of the letter who targeted his own family directly:

"Would you please forward this letter to Mr. Kim, father of Kim Taehyung? Now that their middle school education is over and their paths go their separate ways, my silence no longer has any meaning, I believe it is no longer time to keep hidden from this father the reprehensible acts of his son which can only tarnish the reputation of this respectable and famous family. 

I leave it to him and to you to take the necessary measures to prevent this school harassment from being allowed again, especially on the part of an heir to the greatness of our society, which could only harm all the Chaebols of our nation, you will agree I'm sure. 

I would like to remind you that if it is indeed Kim Seokjin who has suffered all this time from this violence, it is his harasser, Kim Taehyung who will, over time, suffer from a reputation as a harasser if this comes to be known and that no measures had been taken against him to make him aware of the seriousness of his actions while he is still a teenager and not yet an adult.

Mr. Choi, former janitor of Gugbo Middle School

guilty of his too long silence,

and holder of a secret too heavy to keep, now finally revealed.

This letter was a weapon. A gun pointed at his family and which could destroy it. He didn't yet know what to do with it. He had to think quickly...

Seokjin and the heirs of the korean miracle - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now