Chapter 3 : Are you two cousins?

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When they left Taehyung's room and found themselves at the top of the grand stairs in the center of the mansion, looking down at the huge entrance hall with its black and white marble floor that, usually empty, was today full of waiters and guests discussing business, complimenting or criticizing those who were present as well as those who were absent.

Taehyung led Seokjin out of the house, weaving through the guests, absently thanking those who congratulated him on his success. It didn't matter to him, he knew that no one was sincerely happy for him, everyone was only looking for the good graces of his family or on the contrary, looked for reasons to harm it.

The music that resounded throughout the property echoed classical music coming from a small bandstand installed in a large garden of the property where an orchestra recruited for the evening was playing. There, buffets covered with refined dishes and well-set tables where the silverware shone under the glare of the garden lamps could be admired. 

Impeccably dressed waiters wandered between the tables and on the chairs, here and there, sat guests, each more distinguished than the other, even though most of them were standing and already beginning to spread out to the four corners of the garden near the mansion, to comment on everything he saw.

The Kim property, in fact, was rarely open to so many people and only a select few could generally enter. The splendors of the residence and the garden could only be the subject of discussion and jealousy on the part of these less powerful people.

"Woooow!" Seokjin exclaimed, in the same way as Jimin and whose facial expressions and gestures he involuntarily copied more and more, as this boy was so expressive when he spoke. 

Taehyung had noticed that the more the Seokjin and Jimin hung out, the more similar they became, because people rub off on each other. But Seokjin only seemed to take the good sides of the people he was around. And as he only had good in him, it was only good that rubbed off on his friends. 

Taehyung knew what good he had taken from Seokjin but he wondered if Seokjin had found anything good to take from him. Did he even have something good to share with him? This questioning bothered him sometimes but that evening, he didn't have those kinds of worries on his mind. That evening, he only had eyes and joy for Seokjin's candor in the face of this world that he seemed to discover.

Seokjin, indeed, eyes full of stars, had never seen so many people gathered in the Kim's garden. Usually, the immense garden, its rose garden, its small forest, its ponds, its paths and even its small labyrinth of hedges like those found in French gardens, trimmed and maintained by his grandfather were empty, except when there were guests, a few at a time, or when he and the Kim brothers were there. He was so impressed by all these beautiful people that he didn't know where to look.

Everywhere people dressed in great pomp seemed to stare at him and Taehyung and after a certain time, he ended up feeling uncomfortable.

"Let's go get some food," Taehyung decided as he saw Seokjin's fascination with this world he was so foreign to turn into visible embarrassment.

Seokjin nodded and the two boys walked towards the buffet to steal some food and get away from all these uninteresting adults but before they could reach the precious food, a man saw Taehyung and called out to him:

"Taehyung! The one that everyone wants to see but who sneaks like a thief to go unnoticed! Come on, it's thanks to you that we can enjoy the splendor of Kim Young-Jae's family today. It's so rare that we have to thank you."

"Good evening, uncle," Taehyung grumbled, turning around, while Seokjin looked over Taehyung's shoulder to see what this uncle of Taehyung's he had never seen looked like.

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