Chapter 38: It's a secret between us

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The previous chapter has been unpublished, only the first readers have read it, let's say it's a secret between us. As our real Jin once said, "if we gathered our embarrassment together, it'll become confidence". So keep the secret of this fictional Seokjin and his embarrassed author, okay?


When he finished telling Yoongi, Seokjin was redder than ever and wondered what the other thought of him now because he remained impassive.

"Don't tell anyone about this," Yoongi finally said.

Seokjin hurriedly said:

"I never told anyone, please don't tell anyone and don't tell Tae that I told you. It's a secret, I should never have told you."

"Here, more than anywhere else, don't tell anyone," Yoongi insisted. "I won't tell anyone but there are people here who like to discover secrets to use against others."

"Like Hoseok?" Seokjin asked, remembering what Jimin had said to him the first day. He was relieved that it was Yoongi and not Hoseok that he confided in.

Yoongi, who had Jungkook on his mind instead, realized that Seokjin was right. He approved:

"Hoseok is the master of secrets in this school, he loves them like bees love honey and collects them. He will try to find out more about you. I'm willing to bet he already knows secrets about your friends."

"Secrets about Tae and Jimin? What secrets?" Seokjin asked.

"If you knew them, it wouldn't be secrets," Yoongi said.

"Oh..." Seokjin said before saying, "Anyway, Tae and I share a secret but we won't tell anyone. As for Jimin, he doesn't hide anything from me, he always tells me everything so I know there's nothing Hoseok can use against him."

"Did you never think that if you had secrets, your friend Jimin might have secrets too?" Yoongi asked.

Seokjin remained silent at this statement. He had never thought about it.

"I... I don't think so, but I'll ask him."

Yoongi looked at him with his expressionless gaze, thinking that Seokjin didn't understand that if Jimin had chosen secrets, he wouldn't reveal them even if his friend asked him. He decided to change the subject:

"I have a question for you. You are free not to answer it," he clarified.

Glad that Yoongi was interested in him and continued to talk to him after this long conversation, Seokjin forgot the embarrassing confession he had made to Yoongi a few minutes before. He immediately said to him, with an inviting smile:

"Why wouldn't I answer it? Ask me anything you want!"

"Weren't you friends with Namjoon? I thought you were friends but I see you avoiding him even more than me since you arrived in Eunma."

Seokjin's expression immediately darkened.

"So you're not friends," Yoongi remarked, reading Seokjin like an open book.

"I... I thought we were friends," Seokjin stuttered, "Namjoon had always been nice to me but... one day, the day after the party actually, he completely changed and became really mean to me. He said he was the one who let Yoona and her friends go after me to keep me from going to the high school I chose and to make me go to Eunma without my consent."

Yoongi wasn't surprised to learn this, he had already suspected it. But he was surprised, however, to learn that Namjoon had told Seokjin knowing that he could hide the truth from him and knowing how attached he seemed to Seokjin.

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