Chapter 7 : Don't leave me here alone

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When Seokjin returned from his house with two bottles of cold water after making sure his sleeping grandfather was well covered for the night, he found the garden in front of his house empty and there was no one in the rose garden either.

"Jungkook?" he called, without receving a response

Despite the semi-darkness since only one garden lamp illuminated this part of the property, he should have been able to see Jungkook but only saw the ball abandoned on the ground, as well as his own jacket. Jungkook's clothes were missing, proving that he had gotten dressed.

In the distance, towards the main house, he could hear the guests laughing and conversing and wondered if Jungkook had gone back there without telling him. He suddenly heard a muffled outburst of voice which made him turn towards the grove of trees, a few meters from his house and it surprised him.

It was actually the edge of the small forest on the property, where Namjoon would often lean against a tree to watch him play when they were younger. It was also in this small forest that, sometimes, Seokjin had heard Taehyung practicing playing the saxophone or the violin because he was afraid that his brother would make fun of him or his parents would be disappointed because he wasn't good enough. Sometimes Seokjin heard him from his house and joined him.

But at night, he never go there. No one went there because it was shrouded in darkness which made it frightening for children. However, that was where he heard the noise and he wondered if Jungkook was lost in it since he was not familiar with the Kim huge property. They still hadn't exchanged their phone numbers so Seokjin couldn't contact him.

Unable to bring himself to leave Jungkook alone in this place that he knew so little about, Seokjin didn't think any further and, throwing the water bottles on the ground, he plunged into the forest.

He groped his way in the dark, suddenly regretting not having taken a flashlight from home before leaving. The forest was silent except for the sounds of his footsteps on the ground or from time to time, a dead leaf on the ground would crunch under his feet and startle him. He had faced his harassers for months and felt himself becoming brave. However, a dark miniature forest that he knew during the day was enough to make him understand that he was a real coward.

In the distance, he saw the white light of a telephone torch and, relieved to think he have found Jungkook, he was going to join him when suddenly, he heard voices shouting towards the light again, so suddenly that he was afraid and began to scream.

Yet, before his cry passed his lips, a large hand clamped over his mouth as he was slammed roughly against a tree. He didn't see who was holding him by force and screamed harder, trying to struggle, while quickly feeling his strength leave him.

However, the shadow in front of him was much stronger than him and it didn't even look at him, holding him while discreetly looking at the other side of the tree, where the light that Seokjin had seen was.

"They are too far away, I can't hear anything..." the powerful shadow whispered to itself.

Unable to remove the hand from his mouth, Seokjin's fear of this person quickely transformed into a familiar panic fear: that of suffocation. Because Seokjin, being asthmatic, had all the difficulty in the world breathing through his nose only and it was enough to prevent him from breathing through his mouth for the anxiety of death to seize him.

His breathing became frantic and, unable to breathe enough, feeling reduced to helplessness, he began to cry, beginning to feel his legs giving way beneath him, as the oxygen in his body completely disappeared. The tears, which very quickly reached the hand on his mouth, attracted the attention of his attacker who suddenly whispered to him:

Seokjin and the heirs of the korean miracle - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now