Chapter 29: Tell me it's a nightmare

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After the visit to the school during which Seokjin had been more focused on his reunion with Seung than on the contemplation of the school which fascinated him so much before, as Jimin noted with amusement, the first year students returned to the dining hall where the other students were already gathered.

Jimin, seeing the message that Taehyung had sent him on his phone, soon enough spotted the table where the sullen face of the boy who had been forced to work for the first time of his life as punishment for his rebellious behavior was located. Hungry as he was, he had already started eating without them.

"Tae!" Seokjin called, waving from afar.

Glad to see Seokjin, Taehyung looked up but immediately froze when he saw Seung next to Seokjin and Jimin.

"Tell me it's a nightmare..." he whispered.

But reality quickly dawned on him when he saw Seung walking away to join some of his friends at another table and Seokjin joining him excitedly, explaining without taking a breath that Seung was in their school, even in their class, that he had made peace with Jimin and that now, he wanted to make peace with him too.

When Seokjin finished, Taehyung, who had listened in silence, looked at Jimin who confirmed with a nod everything Seokjin had said.

"It's incredibly lucky that he's with us in Eunma!" Seokjin said, visibly delighted. "I would never have dared to hope for it in my most incredible dreams!"

While he was happy that it wasn't a dream and still struggled to believe it, Taehyung had to accept the idea that it wasn't just a nightmare.

"Lucky?" Taehyung repeated in a dangerously calm voice that fooled Seokjin.

Inside he was boiling. First, he had been humiliated by a school administrator in front of the whole school and then had failed to stand up to this unexpected authority. Then, Seokjin wasn't his roommate, but Jungkook was. And now Seung showed up out of nowhere and was going to stand between him and Seokjin again? How could all this have happened?! And how could Seokjin come in front of him and tell him that now with such a happy face?!

"Yes," Seokjin continued, not realizing how upset Taehyung was. "I never imagined seeing him again, I had come to terms with the idea that we were following different paths. Now I'm happy, I was finally able to tell him how sorry I was for what happened to him. And also, it will finally be the opportunity for you to apologize and definitely move on. I'm sure the two of you will be able to move forward and agree to-"

Taehyung's hand that held the knife with which he had just cut his meat tightened and he slammed his fist violently on the table without letting go,  cutting off Seokjin  who, sitting right in front of him, immediately looked at him with fear.

"What bullshit are you talking about?!" Taehyung finally exploded, with a furious look and a voice vibrating with anger. "Now is surely not the time to come and piss me off with this unless you want to see me do regrettable things!"

The canteen was filled with the hubbub of other students and only two first year students next to them were stopped by Taehyung's angry shouts, but he gave them a murderous look, and they quickly turned their heads away.

Seokjin's lips moved to answer but no sound came out, taking Taehyung's threats seriously. It had been a long time since Taehyung had looked this angry at Seokjin and he obviously didn't expect it. Mostly because he didn't feel like he had done anything wrong.

As for Jimin, well, he had seen it coming from afar even though he thought Taehyung would be capable of greater restraint against Seokjin.

Jimin saw that Seokjin was shaken by the tone Taehyung had used against him and he noticed his gaze focus on Taehyung's hand which was still holding the knife firmly without visibly realizing it, as he was so angry.

Seokjin and the heirs of the korean miracle - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now