Chapter 36: I feel the emotions of others

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"S- so you knew Tae was sleeping here?" Seokjin stammered.

"He has a particularly recognizable smell, like he showered with perfume, I realized that the very first night," Yoongi said.

Stunned, Seokjin then remembered the conversation he had with Yoongi after the first night in the room. He had smelled a perfume that wasn't Seokjin's. While Seokjin hadn't paid attention, Yoongi understood immediately and as he had passed by Taehyung in the school corridors, he had to content himself with smelling him to realize that it was his scent that was permeating their room.

Now that he thought about it, Seokjin felt like an idiot for not paying more attention and not asking Taehyung not to wear perfume anymore before coming to sleep. He worriedly wondered what Yoongi was going to do. However, he realized one thing.

"You never kicked Tae out even though you knew, does that mean you don't mind him being there?" he asked in a hopeful voice.

"It bothers me," Yoongi replied, dashing Seokjin's hopes.

"Yet until now, you haven't said anyth-" Seokjin started.

"Until now, I was the only one who knew," Yoongi cut in. "I went against my instincts not to let this happen, and I let you do it. I told myself that given your eagerness to respect all the rules of cohabitation in this room taht I gave you, you had a good reason to deviate from them and sneak Taehyung in to sleep. Maybe Jungkook was keeping him from sleeping so he asked you to let him sleep there? But what stopped you then from asking my permission?"

"That's not it," Seokjin said embarrassedly, without thinking about lying, even though he didn't know Jungkook had come to talk to Yoongi.

This reinforced Yoongi's belief that Seokjin was honest.

"I know that's not it," he said sharply, "that was just my first thought. But since then, I've watched you while you were sleeping and I saw that it wasn't Jungkook who made Taehyung run to that room: it was you who attracted Taehyung here."

"Y-you watch us sleep?" Seokjin stuttered, eyes wide with horror as he imagined Yoongi observing them while they slept.

"Yeah," Yoongi said without trying to apologize for it, "and it allowed me to see that Taehyung does weird things but you let him, right? He doesn't just sleep right next to you, he sleeps holding you in his arms. This position made me fear that one day I would have to witness an intimate scene in this bed, right next to me."

Again, Seokjin widened his eyes, stunned. Not only had Yoongi seen them, but he was having the wrong ideas and seemed upset about it, when usually he was impassive. And he also spoke much more than usual, which was the most striking thing. This caused Seokjin to remain silent instead of explaining himself right away.

"I've accepted it so far without saying anything," Yoongi added, visibly upset with himself, "but now, I can't anymore, this is going to have to stop."

This last statement had the effect of a slap that woke Seokjin from his torpor.

"No please, Yoongi, I swear there's a good explanation for this, I wouldn't have made Tae sleep here if I had the choice, I promise!" he exclaimed.

Two things tormented him now: the first was imagined Yoongi going repeated to other people what he had seen and the second was that he was now stopping Taehyung from coming. But he didn't yet know how he was going to convince Yoongi, he felt an anxiety rising within him that made his heart rate accelerate. He knew he was going to have to choose his words carefully.

"You mean you had no choice? Did he force you?" Yoongi asked him, suspiciously. "Did he threaten you?"

"N-no, he didn't force me!" Seokjin said quickly, without adding any details. It was usually Yoongi who spoke like this with the bare minimum of words, not him.

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