Chapter 11: You must stop at nothing to succeed

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After shouting at the top of his lungs, Jungkook felt that he was starting to come to his senses.

 He grabbed one of the bottles of water that Seokjin had brought for them earlier but didn't get a chance to drink because of what they discovered in the forest. In a few seconds he drank it all and grabbed the second. Then, everything that had just happened appeared in his memory like a flash of lucidity.

He had caught his father with Taehyung's mother and discovered that he was not a legitimate child. 

He took revenge on Seokjin who had done nothing wrong and threatened and drugged him.

 Then he had fought against his cousin and received his threats as much as he had given, and now there was another scumbag who threatened him with evidence that could destroy his reputation and that of his family. 

He had always kept up appearances, giving the impression that his life was idyllic even if nothing he experienced satisfied him. At least in people's eyes everything was perfect and that was the most important thing for him. Yet, he felt like he had destroyed his life in one evening, while he had always managed to brilliantly succeed in everything he had ever undertaken. 

Against all odds, of everything bad that had happened that night, what he regretted the most was what he had done to Seokjin and it confused him. He should have worried more about his reputation, his life but he was more worried about what he had done to a boy he barely knew and who was only a servant's son.

He blamed himself for having attacked him like that, at the time, he had let himself get carried away but now he realized that he had not wanted to hurt him. He angrily pulled from his pocket the other joints he had prepared in advance and would have smoked later and threw them on the ground, dousing them with water and emptying the bottle on them. 

He then let out a new howl of rage at himself: he rarely let himself get carried away and that evening he had done nothing correctly and his life felt like it was about to shatter.

"Jungkook, is that you?" said a man who emerged alone from the forest at that moment.

"Ah, it's you, dad. I should be surprised to see you come out of a forest alone but, well, I'm not, it's funny, right? Fascinating things are happening in this house."

"What is that?!" Mr. Jeon exclaimed, ignoring his undertones and seeing the joints on the ground then grabbing his son's chin to analyze his face carefully, smelling a suspicious odor. "JEON JUNGKOOK!" he thundered.

"No need to shout, Dad, your son is not deaf, you know? I can hear you perfectly," Jungkook quipped. "However, you should calm down before other people hear you. It might not seem like it, but in this house, there are ears lying around everywhere and lurking in the darkness to exploit our slightest weakness."

"Stop your insolence!" his father yelled. "Drugs?! Really?! You have everything you want, so why are you taking drugs?!"

"Everything I want?" Jungkook repeated without answering his father's question.

"What didn't I give you?!"

"Nothing, you gave me everything, you're right. So let me have that too."

"I won't let you get addicted to this poison, you hear me?!" Mr. Jeon replied with anger.

"What does it matter to you, as long as I manage to remain discreet and preserve the family honor? Don't worry: in front of people I will remain an exemplary son, you can sleep soundly."

Jungkook jerked away from the grip of his father who holded him by the arms.

"You should go enjoy the party before people see you lecturing your perfect son."

Seokjin and the heirs of the korean miracle - BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now