Chapter 50 : When we talk about the Devil

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Bam! Bam! Bam!

Taehyung kept pounding on the door until Hoseok, exasperated, came to open it.

"Do you know respect for tranquility? It's after midnight, what do you want?" he asked, holding the door ajar to prevent Taehyung from

"I only know respect for my own peace," Taehyung replied. "I came for Jin, get him out."

"Wow, no requests regarding Jimin, what a surprise!" Hoseok said ironically. "In any case, you can leave because Jin is not here."

"I'm not talking to Jimin anymore, so don't talk to me about this bastard," Taehyung retorted before adding, "and stop lying, I know Jin is here, he told Yoongi he was coming here. Jin is not a liar."

"He came here but then left," Hoseok explained without hiding his annoyance at Taehyung insisting. "Now, good night to you."

He tried to close the door but Taehyung blocked it with his foot and with a strong push, he opened the door wide, provoking an indignant expression from Hoseok.

"I said Jin is not a liar but I don't have the same opinion about you at all," Taehyung declared, striding into the room and heading towards Jimin's bed where the latter was still lying, curled up under his blanket. "Get out from under there!" he ordered in a loud voice.

He was speaking to Seokjin and not Jimin, convinced that Seokjin was under this blanket with Jimin. Furious, he had convinced himself that Jin, at odds with him, had come to reconcile with Jimin to keep himself away from him, ant that despite what Jimin had said and done to them.

The form under the blanket shuddered at Taehyung's angry voice but no words were spoken and none emerged from under the blanket.

"Get out of there," Hoseok ordered. This time, unusually, he was angry. He grabbed Taehyung's arm to pull him out but Taehyung quickly pulled away and ripped the blanket off the bed.

His smile of satisfaction was short-lived when he realized that there was no trace of Seokjin, only a pitiful Jimin, with a disfigured face and shifty gaze.

"What the hell..." he said, stunned.

"Is it good for you now? You saw Jin wasn't here, so leave before I get really angry," Hoseok growled.

Instead of leaving, Taehyung continued to observe Jimin.

"What happened to you?" he finally asked.

"The same as every time he showed up to you with injuries and you ignored him," Hoseok answered for Jimin.

"It's not you I'm talking to," Taehyung replied, annoyed that Hoseok was acting as Jimin's secretary. "And how long have you two been friends?"

He was surprised to see Hoseok protecting Jimin when Hoseok had the reputation of not being on anyone's side except his own, even though he spent time with everyone to know as much as possible about everyone.

"That's enough Taehyung," Jimin said hoarsely, sitting up half in bed and wincing in pain, "you can leave, I don't need you."

Taehyung's face darkens. His consideration for his friend fought a duel with his pride for a few seconds, then pride won the fitgh and he declared dryly:

"Yeah, I almost forgot that you didn't deserve any consideration from me. I'll leave as soon as I catch Jin."

"Jin?" Jimin wondered as he watched Taehyung open the door to his bathroom to inspect it.

"He came here, I'm sure it was to make up with you, but I won't allow him to do that."

Stunned, Jimin looked at Hoseok:

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