Special Chapter Eight

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So, as promised the letters between Kushina and Minato.

The love letters are supposed to be before they got married, with Minato in the battlefield during the Third Great Ninja War. If you've read the new manga about him, this'll hit better.

 If you've read the new manga about him, this'll hit better

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•Letter from Minato to Kushina:

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Letter from Minato to Kushina:

My Dearest Kushina,

As I write this letter from the battlefield, my heart aches for you. The thought of you waiting for me, praying for my safety, is what keeps me going in the darkest of moments.

I want you to know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I love you more than words can convey. Every night under the stars, I find solace in the memories of our time together, the way your laughter dances in the wind, and the warmth of your touch.

The battles are fierce, and the challenges are great, but I promise you this: I will survive this war, not just for my duty as a shinobi but for us. I will return to you, to our village, and to the life we dream of together. I will make you mine, Kushina Uzumaki, in every sense of the word.

Until that day comes, hold onto our love as tightly as I hold onto my kunai. Know that you are the fire in my heart, the light that guides me through the darkness. You are the reason I fight so fiercely, and the reason I will return to you.

With all the love in my soul,

Letter from Kushina to Minato:


Hey, you big dummy! I got your letter, and it made me cry like a baby. Seriously, you and your way with words... You always know how to melt my heart.

I miss you like crazy, you know? The village isn't the same without you here, and I'm counting down the days until you're back. And yeah, I've been praying for your safety every single day. I can't help it; you mean everything to me.

You promise to come back to me in one piece, okay? I'm holding you to that. We have big plans, you and I. You're going to be my husband, and we're going to have a family together. I can't wait for that future, and I won't let anything get in the way of it.

So, take care of yourself out there, and remember that I'm waiting for you with open arms and a whole lot of love. You better survive this war, Minato, because I've got a lifetime of love and laughter waiting for us.

Love you more than you'll ever know,

I think this could be the last of the letter saga, or second to the last.

This is from Jiko to Ysolde.

Upon yonder stage, fair Ysolde doth grace,
Her beauty's light, a radiant, heavenly face.
Her laughter, like sweet music, fills the air,
In her gentle eyes, my heart finds solace rare.

A presence, she, that doth my soul bewitch,
Guiding me through life, like a starry pitch.
With every smile, my world's in full array,
In Ysolde's love, I'd gladly pledge and stay.

She's a muse for bards, in sonnets they proclaim,
In her eyes, a future, brighter than a flame.
With her, I dream of life's grand, splendid scheme,
An adventure shared, a love beyond a dream.

'Midst other suitors, I stand with heart aflame,
Yet, in Ysolde's gaze, I stake my fervent claim.
By her side, I vow to stand, come what may,
Through joy and trial, forever and a day.

Fair Ysolde, wouldst thou take my hand, my dear?
Together, let us script a love, without a fear.
In your love's embrace, my heart hath found its key,
Forevermore, together, we shall ever be.


From Ysolde to Jiko

To my lover,

Thy words, akin to stars in dark expanse,
Awaken feelings deep, in me, to dance.
Thy love, a treasure, bright as moon's fair gleam,
In thy sweet lines, a love's enduring dream.

Thy promise of steadfastness, strong and true,
A melody of love, I find in you.
In thine eyes, I glimpse a future bright,
With thee, dear Jiko, I'll walk in love's pure light.

Thy earnest love, I feel within my soul,
A flame that burns with passion as its goal.
So, lover, I gladly take thy hand in mine,
Together, dearest, we shall brightly shine.

Let's weave a tale of love in bloody rhyme,
In each other's arms, till end of time.
Thy love has captured me, heart, soul, and mind,
Together, my dearest, our love shall be entwined.

With all my love, forever thine,


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