Chapter 1

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He did it again and left me in a spooky, scary house. I knew precisely for only four years that my father was again at the bar or the grocery store to buy beer while I was left alone until he came back, probably drunk. I was sitting in the room crying when I heard the door creaking. I didn't know what was happening. The creaking of the wooden floor scared me even more when I heard the door open to the room I was hiding. I crawled further into the corner when I saw feet moving around the room. Looking around, I thought whoever it was was looking for me, but finally, I saw the feet move away from the closet I was hiding until he stopped and kneeled looking, seeing me trying to be invisible. "Hey, who are you?" a soft voice said. The head disappeared, appearing right in front of me. "Come here, I won't harm you," he said, stretching his arms towards me. "Come on, sweetheart." he moved his fingers finally, and I crawled out of the corner. "There we are." he lifted me into his arms, walking me through the room. "Where are your parents?" he asked while he grabbed a bag from a table. I looked into his face but wasn't able to speak. "Where is your Mama, little girl? Huh?" he asked, walking out of the house. "Or your daddy?" he further asked. "Mommys in heaven," I whispered. "Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. And your daddy? Also in heaven?" he asked. After a while, I shook my head. I didn't know exactly where he was. "He somewhere I'm not sure where," I said, feeling a tear in my eye. "Oh, sweet girl, it's okay." He pulled me closer, placing my head on his chest. "Im taking you with me, alright?" I only heard his voice vaguely while I was crying on his shoulder. The next time I woke up, I was lying in a bed tugged in. "Who is she?" I heard a voice ask. "A little girl who needed help, Dean." A female voice said. I turned around, feeling around where I was lying. "Hey Sunshine, you're awake. How are you feeling?" a woman sat down next to the couch where I was lying. She looked lovely, smiling down at me. "What's your name?" she asked, touching my shoulder softly. "Kaylee," I answered, scared to say anything. "Hi Kaylee, I'm Mary," she said, smiling when a young boy around my age approached the bed. "Kaylee, this is my son, Dean. Sam is upstairs. He is only a baby." she explained. He looked at me a little mistrusting. "When is Dad coming back?"

Dean asked. "Im not sure soon," she said, looking up to her son. Just then, the front door opened, and the man came into the house. "Daddy," Dean yelled, running up to his father. "Hey, buddy." he smiled brightly, lifting and holding him in his arms. He walked over into the living room. "Do me a favour and stay with her for a second, alright? I have to tell Mom something important," he said, placing Dean back onto the ground. The two grownups walked Out of the room while Dean sat on the other end of the couch. Mary and the man came back a few minutes later. She looked worried. "Hey kiddo you okay?" he asked crouching down next to the couch, I shyly nodded. "good, you wanna eat must be starving." he smiling saying. "Come on Dean go ahead." Dean walked over to his mother who grabbed his hand walking with him to the kitchen while I followed them. I didnt know where my father was or if he would find me. A few weeks passed but nothing happened, John and Mary were loving parents to the boys and me, I gained a little more weight. Dean got used to me and treated me like his little sister. Neither John nor Mary told me anything about my father, I was just happy to have a mother who took care of me and Dean plus having little Sam who was now six months old. Dean and I were in Sams room saying goodnight to him when John came home. "Daddy." Dean yelled running up to his father. "Hey Buddy, Hey ya Kaylee you doing okay?" he asked, I nodded my head also smiling a little bit. "Good, hey buddy you think Sam can throw a baseball anytime soon?" John asked his son. "nooo." Dean shook his head. Mary took Dean from John, I followed her into Deans room where I was sleeping on a Matress. "Good night you two sweet dreams." Mary tugged Dean in and kissed him on the forehead and did the same with me after, when she killed the light I stayed awake for a second before falling asleep. "Kaylee come on wake up Baby Girl get up." John shook me awake, when I was awake he yanked me from my Matress and ran out of the house with me, just as he ran down the stairs I saw the flames coming from Sams room. "you have to run Kaylee." John yelled into my ear placing me onto the gras of our front lawn. I ran behind John holding on to his jacket he had on. I heard a boom behind me and a window exploded behind me, I screeched holding my arms over my head. "Keep running Kaylee." John yelled, I ran with him towards the street. Huddled together on Johns Car we waited for the firedepartment to clear the house but Dean and I knew there was nothing much to save from the house. John told Dean and I that Mary was killed in the fire. "So he's with my Mommy in heaven?" I asked after tearing up. "Yes Kaylee shes with your Mommy." John said while Dean was crying next to me. I turned to him and placed my arms around him while he continued crying. 

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