Chapter 46

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I raised an eyebrow. "But Lucifer created you?" I asked when Crowley looked over to me. Crowley drank from his glass. "To him, we're just servants-cannon fodder. If Lucifer manages to exterminate humankind, we're next, so help me, huh? Let's all return to simpler, better times when we could all follow our natures. I'm in sales, dammit! So what do you say if I give you this thing, and you go kill the devil?" He held out the Colt with the handle towards Sam and Dean, wiggling the handle around when I stepped forward and grabbed the handle; when I looked into Crowley's eyes, I saw the same green eyes I also had. "Great." I heard Sam grumble behind me. "Great." Crowley returned to the table where he had gotten up with the gun. "You wouldn't happen to know where the devil is, by chance?"

Sam asked while I turned around, passing the gun to Sam. "Thursday, birdies tell me there is an appointment in Carthage, Missouri," Crowley told us; Sam, Dean, and I exchanged looks and nodded. "Great," Sam mumbled when Sam raised the Colt, pointing the barrel between Crowleys Eyes and pulling the trigger, but it only clicked. When I looked at Crowley, he looked unimpressed. "Oh yeah, right, you'll probably need more ammunition." Crowley walked around the desk, grabbed a box, and tossed it to Dean. It had bullets inside for the Colt. "Oh, uh, excuse me for asking, but aren't you signing your death warrant? What happens to you if we go against the devil and lose?" Dean asked.

"Number one, he's going to wipe us all out anyway. Two, after you leave here, I will go on an extended vacation to all points, nowhere. And three, how about you don't miss it, okay? Morons!" Crowley replied by yelling the last word in our faces, and with a blink of an eye, he was gone. Sam, Dean, and I walked outside to the cars. I got dressed in my Jeans and a white Crop Top since it was a little uncomfortable to drive in a dress, although it was knee-length. Back at Bobbies House, we just had to wait for tomorrow.

Ellen and Castiel were having shots while Dean and Sam planned for tomorrow. I watched Ellen and Cas for a while when I felt somebody missing; I held my wrist, which had Ash's Bandana around it. I sometimes wore it when I wanted to go back in time to when Ash and I were happy back in the roadhouse with no worries, just drinking and having Sex. "You okay, sweetheart?" Ellen walked over with a worried expression on her face. "Im okay, Ellen. Just worried about tomorrow." I gave her a light smile. "You miss him." Ellen nodded towards Ashs Bandana, and I nodded. "I loved him. You know he was the first real Love I had," I told her before taking a sip from my bottle. "Is there something called first real love?"

Cas asked, behind Ellen, tipsy. "Well, there are two types of guys, the ones who are just being complete dicks like Dean," I said when Dean walked by, heading to the kitchen. "Screw you, Kaylee," he shouted. "You go first, Bro," I shouted back before turning my head back to Cas. "And then there are those who treat you nicely; Ash was the second type," I told Cas, still sitting by the window where he and Ellen had been drinking. "And what kind of man would I be?" Cas asked; for a while, I thought about his question. "Type 2." I smiled when Bobby called for us in the room next door. "Everybody get in here! It's time for the lineup. Usual suspects in the corner." he called.

I walked over, standing next to Bobby, and Ellen complained about not wanting to be in the picture, which Sam agreed on. "Shut up. You're drinking my beer," he grumbled while Sam, Ellen, Jo Dean, and I got into position. Sam and Dean were behind me, with Castiel on Sam's side. Jo stood beside Dean, and I stood before Sam with Ellen and Bobby. "Anyway, I'm gonna need something to remember your sorry asses by," Bobby grumbled while I smiled, waiting for the click of the camera. "Always good to have an optimist around," Ellen said beside me. "Bobby is right. Tomorrow, we hunt the devil. This night is our last night on earth." Castiel spoke up just as the camera flashed. The next day, we drove in three cars to Carthage, which looked abandoned. "This looks so weird," I whispered to Cas, sitting shotgun. Cas had his eyes narrowed, seeing something I couldn't see. "What is it, Cas?" I asked, worried, looking outside the windshield but only seeing empty streets. "Reapers," Cas said as we stopped, and Dean waved me over. "Sam, you and I will check the PD leave huggy bear with Ellen and Jo," Dean ordered. "You don't wanna have your buddy with you?" I teased him. "No," Dean grumbled. "Alright." I shrugged while Cas got out of my Car. Sam Dean and I drove over to the PD, checking all the rooms, but it was empty. "Okay, this is so weird," I whispered while Sam, Dean, and I walked out of the building. "We regroup with Ellen, Jo, and Castiel," Dean suggested. Sam and I agreed, so we drove back. I waited behind Sam and Dean in the Car while they talked to Ellen and Jo. "What's going on?" I asked as Ellen walked over to us. "You left the Angel with us, but he disappeared," she told me. "He disappeared?" I asked, and she nodded. "He went after the reapers," I mumbled. "How do you know?" Ellen asked while I got out of the Car. "Because he told me seeing them while we were in the car," I grumbled. "Kaylee, why didn't you tell us?" Dean asked. "Because I didn't think Cas would run after them," I grumbled. 

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