Chapter 40

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Dean and I went to Chuck to convince Sam not to take on Lilith. When we entered the house, Chuck was surprised to see us, "What are you doing here? I didn't write this?" he asked. However, Dean grabbed him and moved him towards the door, "Come on, I need you to come with me," he said. Chuck was confused and asked, "What, where?" but we took him to the motel where Sam was. Lilith was there, too, but Dean and I had an archangel protecting us from her. We asked Chuck to help us stop her, but he was hesitant as he knew what Lilith could do, having written about her. Dean threatened Chuck with a gun while I had one in the back of my belt. Chuck eventually agreed to help us.

When we arrived at the motel, Lilith was about to attack Sam. Chuck called out, "I am the prophet, Chuck!" Lilith was confused and said, "You've got to be joking." But Dean confirmed that Chuck was telling the truth and ordered Lilith to get off Sam. I held my blade up, ready to defend Chuck, while Lilith approached us. I growled at her, "Don't come closer." Suddenly, a bright light filled the room, and Lilith exited her vessel. I was relieved and leaned against Chuck, who was unharmed.

Sam, Dean, and I finally had a lead on Lillith and how to kill her, but due to some misunderstanding, Sam and Ruby went alone while Zachariah and Castiel kidnapped Dean and me. We were in a room with no windows. Dean tried to call Sam to warn him about the 66 Seals. Castiel got us out of that room, but we were too late. Sam had killed Lilith when we arrived at the Abbey where Lilith was. Sam and Dean killed Ruby while I tried to stop whatever was going to happen, but it was too late, and with a bright light from the symbol of blood, something grabbed me by the arm, dragging me away from the light. Dean didn't let go of my arm until we left that room. "What just happened?" I asked, panting. "We just let out the devil," Dean replied. "He did." I pointed at Sam. "We tried to stop you, Sammy. Don't argue," I added as Sam tried to say something when all of a sudden, a high-pitched noise made all three of us hold our ears and eyes shut; all three of us fell to our knees, in the next moment, all three of us where in a plane somewhere in the sky far away from the Abbey or the bright light. In front of us was a cartoon playing on the monitor; when I looked around, I saw Sam, Dean, and myself sitting in one row while there were people around us reading, sleeping, or eating. "What the hell?" Dean quietly asked. I don't know." Sam answered, and I shrugged my shoulders when the pilot's voice came over the intercom. "Folks, quick word from the flight deck. We're just passing over Ilchester, then Ellicott City, on our initial descent into Baltimore—," he said when Dean leaned over to Sam since I was in the middle. "Werent we just there?" he asked. I nodded. "Yeah." I was about to say more when the plane tilted; when we looked out of the window, we saw the bright light flashing up into the sky, and again, the high-pitched noise was back. We safely landed, got into a rental car, and drove back to where the vehicle was since I had left my car at the Motel in Kripkes Hollow. I was so tired that I fell asleep when we set out, not hearing what Sam and Dean discussed. I woke up and felt much better just before we arrived at Chuck's House. I wasn't tired when Sam and Dean weren't in the mood to talk. "What's going on?" I asked, worried. "Dean is worried about Cas," Sam explained. "We left him at Chuck's, so we go there," I suggested. "I'm already on my way there," Dean growled. "Don't yell at me." I snapped just as we turned the corner to Chuck's house. As we entered the house, there was nobody home. So we thought; suddenly, a figure jumped out from somewhere, hitting Sam with a plunger. "Geez!! Ow." Sam was holding his head. "Sam." Chuck was surprised to see him. "Yeah!" Sam was still rubbing where Chuck hit him. "Come here, let me see you, big baby." I moved his hand away but couldn't find an open wound. "You'll survive." I patted Sam's head. Chuck told in the meantime how he had a vision of Sam "going full Vader" and his eyes going black. "Your eyes went black?" Dean and I said simultaneously, just as I was about to lower my hand. "I didn't know." Sam quietly said. "Where is Cas?" Dean finally asked. I knew he wasn't here before Chuck told us he exploded. "Like a water balloon of chunky soup." Chuck described it; I looked over at Dean, who had a mad expression. For some reason, Chuck had a molar in his hair, which he pulled out and freaked out. Dean and Sam talked about what to do next while I half listened and watched what Chuck was doing, which was going through his hair when he suddenly stopped. "Oh, Crap." I immediately panicked when he said it. "What?" Sam and I said at the same time. "I can feel them." he said. "Angels?" I asked, but before he could answer, I felt a presence behind me. "Thought we'd find you here." Turning around and hearing the voice speak, I immediately knew this meant trouble. "not you again." I scoffed, seeing Zachariah standing there with two angels. "Playtimes over Dean. Time to come with us." he ignored me, staring at Dean the whole time. "Sure as shit, he won't." I growled, but Dean motioned with his hand to be quiet. "You keep your distance, asshat." he growled, pointing at Zachariah. 

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