Chapter 15

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I looked over to Dean and Sam, who were both shocked. "That I'm calling it." The doctor said and pronounced him dead. I stayed with Dean until we were finally able to bring Dad home for the funeral; I knew he deserved a hunter's funeral, which he got. Sam had his hands in his pockets while Dean was silent as a lamb. I stayed close to Sam with my hand around his arm and my head on his upper arm. " Before he.." Sams's voice broke as he tried to form some words. "Before, did he say anything to you? About anything?" Sam finally caught what he was trying to say; when I looked over to Dean, he was stone cold looking into the flames. "No. Nothing." Dean finally said while we watched the fire in front of us around Dad's Body. Feeling the pain in my body and the tears streaming down my face made it worse. We stayed with Bobby for a week; while Dean worked on the car, Sam tried to get me to eat and at least go outside for a little bit, but I refused and just stayed on the couch, where I stared into the emptiness. "Hey, Sis, come on, we're going." Dean bent down, trying to look into my eyes. "Dean, it's useless. She won't come with us." Sam said behind Dean. "Kaylee, come on." Dean pulled me from the couch and somehow got me dressed; soon, the boys and I were on the road in my car while Sam drove with Dean next to him while I was in the backseat. We got out, looking around while I stayed close behind Sam. "Hello? Anybody here?" Sam called out, but there was no answer. "Hey, you bring the uh," Dean asked. "Of course." Sam just tossed over the bag that he used to crack open doors. Inside, the Roadhouse we were at was based like a saloon. A man was lying passed out on the pool table. "Hey, Buddy." Sam tried to wake the guy up but didn't move an inch. "Im guessing that isn't Ellen," Sam said after a pause. "Who is Ellen? What are we doing here?" I asked. "Looking for Ellen, Dad left a message on an old phone," Dean explained. Sam went into the backroom while Dean and I stayed in the main room. "Stay here at the door." Dean quietly told me when he turned around, walking further into the back while I stayed at the door. All of a sudden, I saw A woman sneak up behind Dean. "Oh god, please don't let that be a rifle," Dean mumbled. I snuck up behind her just as Dean disarmed her while I tried to grab her arms. "Great Job Sis." Dean took the bullet out of the rifle just as the girl punched him in the face and tried to kick me, but I dodged it before I held on to her arms. "Sam, we might need some help here. I can't see. I can't even see." I scoffed. "Your such a sissy." I rolled my eyes, gripping the girl's hand tight. I heard the door open and Sam walking out with his arms up. "Sorry, Dean, I can't right now. I'm a little tied up." Sam walked over to us with an older woman with a gun pointed at him. "Put the weapon down." I snapped, holding the girl in front of me tighter. "Kaylee." Dean and Sam said at the same time. "Sam? Dean? Kaylee? Winchester?" The woman behind Sam asked. "Yeah." We noted all in unison. "Son of a bitch." She lowered her gun. "Mom, you know them?" The girl in front of me asked; I loosened my grip. "Yeah, I think these are John Winchester kids." She replied. "Hey, I'm Ellen. This is my daughter Jo." Ellen nodded to the girl I released. "Hey." Jo quietly said, rubbing her wrists. I held her on. "You're not gonna hit me again, are you?" Dean asked with a smile on his face. "You just jealous that a girl could hit you," I whispered while walking over to Sam and Ellen. We talked to Ellen about why she called Dad. She wanted to help with the demon Dad was tailing until the conversation turned to Dad. Dean was suspicious about how Ellen was connected to Dad. "You'd have to ask him," Ellen said while she poured me another beer. "So why exactly do we need your help?" I smacked Dean on the arm. "Don't be so rude, Dean. I believe we were meant to find that message leading us to Ellen and Jo." I growled, which almost ended in a fight. "Hey, don't do me any favours. Look, if you don't want my help, fine. Don't let the door smack your ass on the way out. But John wouldn't have sent you if..." Ellen said when she realized something. "He didn't send you." she continued. I felt the pain in my heart thinking about Dad. "He's alright, isn't he?" she asked, but I lightly shook my head. "No. No, he isn't. It was the demon, we think. It, um, it just got him before he got it, I guess." I said, sniffing, holding back my tears. "Im so sorry." Ellen quietly whispered when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Jo held a tissue in her hands, which I used to blow my nose. "It's okay. Were alright." Dean hid the loss of Dad deep in his heart. "Really? I know how close you and your dad were." Ellen looked back and forth between Dean and me. "Lady, I'm fine." Dean got snappy, and I smacked him on the shoulder. "So look, if you can help, we could use all the help we can get." Sam said on Dean's other side. "Well, we can't. But Ash will." Ellen said. "Who's Ash?" Sam and I said at the same time. "Ash." Ellen yelled. We heard a grunt behind us, and the guy on the pool table woke up.

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