Chapter 18

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"What did he find?" Sam asked. I looked over to Dean. "Bobby's working on that right now," Dean replied. "So we're going to Bobby's?" I asked, and he nodded. "Yeah, he's just a few hours away." Dean and I finished at the same time. I wanted to go, but Dean stopped me and told me to slow down. Sam helped me into the car while Dean drove alone. Sam and I went with my car to Sioux Falls. Bobby was surprised to see me, but I hugged him and thanked him for patching me. "You welcome, kid; your brothers were concerned about you," he said. "Kaylee's been feeling much better. And we're back, so what do you know?" Dean asked. "Demonic a frickin' tidal wave. Cattle deaths. Lightening storms. They skyrocketed from out of nowhere. Here." Bobby pointed to Wyoming on the map in front of me. "All around here except for one place... Southern Wyoming." Bobby said, cycling a massive area in the southern region of Wyoming. "Wyoming?" Dean and I asked at the same time. "Yeah. That one area is immaculate and spotless. It's almost as if..." Bobby paused; I looked at him, confused. "What?" Sam and I asked at the same time. "The demons are surrounding it." Bobby was also confused. "But you don't know why?" Dean asked. Bobby shook his head. "No, and by this point, my eyes are swimming. Sam, would you and Kaylee take a look at it? Maybe you could catch something I couldn't." Bobby asked, "Yeah, sure." Sam nodded, and I also gave a light nod. "Come on, Dean, I got more books in the truck. Help me lug them in." Bobby and Dean went outside while Sam and I went through the book. Dean and Bobby returned and brought somebody I never thought I'd seen again. "Ellen?" quietly asked. "Hi, sweetheart." Ellen smiled, but Bobby stopped me when I went in for a hug. "Don't we don't know if she is a demon?" Bobby sat Ellen down and made her during holy water, which didn't affect her. "Whiskey now, if you don't mind." Ellen pushed the shot glass to Bobby, who poured some for her and pushed the glass back to her. "Ellen, what happened? How did you get out?" Dean asked while I sat next to her, also curious to know. "I was supposed to. I was supposed to be in there with everybody else." Ellen said, letting out a light scoff. "But we ran out of pretzels, of all things. It was just dumb luck, and I couldn't call you. My phone died, and Jo went on a hunt just minutes after you, so I drove off. Anyway, that's when Ash called. Panic in his voice." She let out a sigh; I quietly placed my hand over hers, which she took, squeezing it lightly. "He told me to look in the safe. Then the call cut out. By the time I got back, the flames were sky-high. And everybody was dead. I couldn't have been gone more than fifteen minutes." Ellen said, looking straight into my eyes. "Im so sorry about Ash, he was a great kid and loved you very much." Ellen quietly said to me, which I acknowledged with a nod, feeling the tears returning to my eyes. "Sorry, Ellen." Sam was standing a little behind me, feeling Ellen's handshake, knowing she was like me, tearing up. "A lot of good people died in there, and I got to live." Ellen scoffed. "Lucky me." I felt the pain of loss and anger in her voice when Bobbys voice from the other side spoke. "Ellen you mentioned a safe." he said, my head turned from Bobby to Ellen who nodded. "A hidden safe we kept in the basement." I knew there was a basement but not about the safe. "I didnt know about the safe just that there was a basement used as storage." I told Sam, Dean and Bobby who looked back to Ellen. "Demons get what was in it?"  Bobby asked, I knew what ever it was must be imprortant to the demon. Ellen shook her head. "No." she reached into her pocket and pulled out a map which she spread out on the table for all of us to look at aon the map were crosses at different locations. "Wyoming. What does that mean?" Dean asked poiting to the crosses on the map. We looked at eatch other so Bobby grabbed a book to read about what might be behind it while Ellen and I caught up what happened after I had left the roadhouse. "I dont believe it." Bobby mumbled walking back into the room with a large book in his hand which he set on to the table. I looked up vrom the rocking chair I was sitting in. "What? You got something?" Sam asked stretching his neck to look into the book while Ellen and I got up walking over to the table. "A lot more than that. Each of these Xs." Bobby said pointing to the map next to the book while Dean who was sitting in Bobbys seat. "Is an abandoned frontier church all mid 19th century. And all of them built by Samuel Colt." Bobby said reading off the book. "You mean Samuel Colt the demon killing gun Samuel Colt?" I asked with an raised eyebrow. "Yep and there is more. He built private railway lines." Bobby pointed on the map towards a line, when I looked closer I saw it was a railway. "conecting church to church. It just happens to lay out like this." he continued taking a pencil drawing something which turned out to be a devils trap. "Thats brilliant. Iron lines demons cant cross." Dean and I looked at eatch other before looking back to bobby. "Ive never heard of anything that massiv." I looked at the huge area surronded as the Devils Trap. "No one has." Bobby grumbled. "And do you know what is in the middle." I asked tords Bobby. 

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