Chapter 22

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Sam was able to shoot the spirit and get Peter out, but sadly, he was dead, making Dean kick the driver's door in frustration. While driving back to the house we listened to the radio, I got tired falling asleep soon after in the back seat. The next day, after a light breakfast, I sat on the mattress doing my journal, which I hadn't done for a while. When there was a knock at the door, we shared a look before Dean opened the door, revealing Bela. "Ah, shit, seriously." I grumbled. "Dear god." Sam let out a sigh as Bela entered the house. "Are you squatting? Charming. So how'd things go last night with Peter?" she asked, I let out a growl, none of us responded. "That well, huh?" she asked while I returned to my journal. "If you say, "I told you so," I swear to go, I'll start swinging." Dean growled. "Look, I think the four of us should have a heart-to-heart." I looked up over to where Bela was standing. "That's assuming that you have a heart." Dean made the assumption. "Well, I don't think so." I mumbled. "Dean, please. I'm sorry about what I said before, okay? I come bearing gifts." Now I was interested. "Oh, and about the car? Are you also sorry about that?" I asked. "You got it back so." Bela shrugged. "So? whatcha got?" Dean asked. "I've I'Dd the ship." I got up while Bela pulled something out of a portfolio. "It's the Espírito Santo, a merchant sailing vessel with quite a colourful history. In 1859, a sailor was accused of treason. He was tried aboard a ship in a kangaroo court and hanged. He was 37." Bela told us. "Explains the 37-year cycle." I mumbled, looking over the shoulder. We figured out that since the body was cremated except for his hand, we needed the hand, which was in the Sea Pines Museum. So we all got dressed up for a party that evening, Bela borrowed a dress to me. I helped Dean upstairs while Bela was already finished waiting for us. "I don't like this." I whispered. "You don't have to like her. We're just helping her, and then we will go our separate ways." Dean whispered back. "I know, but I don't trust her at all." I mumbled, raising his arm and fiddling around with his buttons. "You look nice." I smiled, finishing the other arm, turning around and grabbing his jacket. "Thanks, you don't look too shabby yourself." I looked at him in irritation. "This isn't fancy at all, not like you." I looked down at the black dress  I had on. "You don't dress up so often." Dean fiddled with the jacket's collar until I slapped his hands away. "Stop that. You make it worse." I smoothed out his jacket until I was satisfied. "What is taking so long? Sam's already halfway there... with his date." Bela called from downstairs. "So, not okay with this." Dean grumbled when I gave him a backhead slap. "Ow." Dean wined. "Quit whining. I'm waiting downstairs." I grumbled, leaving the room and walking down the stairs. "Not bad, a good fit." Bela complimented me. "Thanks." I looked back at where Dean just walked down the stairs. "All right, get it out. I look ridiculous." I scoffed at Dean, annoyed. "Not exactly the word I'd use." Bela looked Dean up and down. "What?" Dean asked. "You know, when this is over, we should have angry sex." I laughed but stopped when I saw Dean's angry face. "Don't objectify me." Dean crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Have fun, bro." I giggled, walking out of the door to the Impala as Dean and Bela followed me a few seconds behind me. Dean drove to the Museum, as I got out I walked right up to the entrance handing my invitation to the doorman. I walked into the Museum, staying close to Sam and Gert, who was really handsy with Sam and him getting really uncomfortable. I finally saw Dean giving me the sign that he had the hand, so I left the museum while he followed with Sam and Bela behind him. "Great, I was getting bored." I grumbled, walking to the car. Dean said something to Bela before getting into the car. I saw Dean looking frustrated. "Dean?" I asked, but I knew Bela had stolen the hand. "We solved the case with the help of Bela, who saw the ghost ship. We packed our stuff to get out the next day when Bela walked through the door. "You guys should learn to lock the door. Anyone could barge in." Bela smiled. "Just you, Bela." I grumbled. I got up. "Did you come to say goodbye or thank you?" Sam asked. "I've come to settle affairs. His brother gave the spirit what he wanted – very clever, Sam. So here." she tossed each of us a packet of money. "It's ten thousand – that should cover it." We looked at the money and back to her. "I don't like being in anyone's debt." she explained. "So ponying up ten grand is easier than a simple thank you?" Dean asked while she faintly smiled and shook her head. "You're so damaged." Dean scoffed. "Maybe you're also a little damaged from not having sex in a long time." I giggled, taking my bag from the floor. "Keep out of this." Dean growled. "No, I won't." I snapped. "Goodbye, guys." Bela left the house. "I am so ready to get my car back." I grumbled. After an eventful case with vampires and two guys trying to kill Sam, we were finally back at Bobby. 

Somebody tell me if that was too fancy for Kaylee I mean it was a onetime thing plus the dress was "borrowed by Bela" for the party

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Somebody tell me if that was too fancy for Kaylee I mean it was a onetime thing plus the dress was "borrowed by Bela" for the party.

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