Chapter 43

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After Sam and Dean left, I sat in the hallway, praying for God to show mercy for Bobby's sake. "Don't be a freaking dick. He's the one person I care about the most, besides my brothers. Do something," I growled. Eventually, I was allowed into the room. Later, Sam and Dean came back, telling me about Zachariah and Castiel's visit to the storage. "Shit, so you're the vessel for Lucifer?" I asked Sam. "Yeah, but I don't want to do it," he replied. My voice was laced with concern, knowing the toll it would take on Sam. "Plus, I'm Michael's vessel," Dean added. "For real?" I inquired, and Dean confirmed with a nod. "Yeah, just like Sam, I won't do it," he declared. "Of course, you won't," I mumbled. We lingered in the hallway near Bobby's room, where he was sleeping. Dean went to the nearest store for supplies while Sam and I remained at the hospital. "You think he will be okay?" I pondered aloud. "I hope so," Sam whispered back; my nerves were on edge, anticipating Bobby's awakening. "Hey, he'll be fine," Sam reassured me, embracing me tightly as I rested my head on his chest. Dean returned to find Sam and me engulfed in silence in Bobby's room. "This mood is worse than a graveyard," he grumbled. I looked up from the floor, "You're such an ass," I snapped, stood up from the chair, and walked past Dean to the door, striding down the hallway until I found a quiet window. Dusk was settling as Sam joined me. "Why are you so grumpy, Kee?" he inquired. "It's nothing. I'm just worried," I mumbled, leaning against the window frame. "I'll be back in a second, okay?" I offered him a faint smile. Sam walked away, and I remained by the window until I heard shouting behind me. Turning around, I saw a doctor rushing out of Bobby's room. "What happened?" I asked as I stepped into the room. "Oh look, Princess Grumpy Face rejoined us." Dean snarkily acknowledged my return. "Piss Off, Dean. Seriously, it's not about you, Asshat." I snapped back when Sam stepped between us. "can we all calm down, please." Sam raised his arms before us; I sat beside Bobbie's bed. "You believe this, yahoo?" he asked grumpy. "Screw him you'll be fine." Dean was leaning against the wall on the other side of the bed. "So let me ask the million-dollar question. What do we do now?" Sam asked. I looked over to Sam, who was next to Dean. "Well... We save as many as we can for as long as possible. It isn't good. Whoever wins, heaven or hell, we're boned." Bobby replied. "What if we win?" I asked. Dean probably had the same question on his mind since he nodded. "She right, I guess," Dean mumbled, making me raise my eyebrow. Dean agrees with me, but it doesn't happen often. "I'm serious. I mean, screw the angels and the demons and their crap apocalypse. Hell, they want to fight a war. They can find their planet. This one's ours, and I say they get the hell off it. We take them all on. We kill the devil. Hell, we even kill Michael if we have to. But we do it our damn selves." Dean seemed to have told Bobby what had happened. "And how are we supposed to do all this, genius?" Bobby asked. Dean shrugged his shoulders. "I got no idea. But I have a GED and a give-'em-hell attitude, and I'll figure it out." I giggled when Dean said that, shaking my head in disbelief. "You nine kinds of crazy boy," Bobby grumbled. I just smiled. "It's been said." Dean shrugged before patting on Bobbie's Shoulder. "Listen, you stand on the mend. Well, see you in a bit." Dean nodded to Sam, and I walked out of the room behind him when I noticed Sam standing at the door for a second before he rejoined us, walking toward the door. While I went to my car, I saw my brothers talking before getting in. I followed them to the House, where we slept, though I mainly thought about Bobby. We waited for something to happen for three days, but nothing happened. Bobby could still not walk. I stood with the back to the doorframe while Sam was next to me and Dean was on the opposite side. My thoughts were somewhere else when I felt Sam's hand pointing to something in Dean's hand. "What's in the envelope?" Sam asked; as I looked over, I saw a big brown envelope in Dean's Hand. "Went to radiology." Dean said while he got something out. "Did you flirt with the lady?" I asked with a lightly raised eyebrow. "Haha, really funny." Dean gave me a light look before showing us what was inside. "Got some glamorous shots." Dean raised the pictures; it was rips. "What are those markings?" I asked. "Holy Crap." Sam placed both hands on the picture, lifting it to the light. "Yeah, well, Cas carved you one too." Dean mumbled when Sam's phone rang. "Speak of the Devil." he mumbled when I noticed something. I looked to Dean. "Im not protected. Those assholes could find me," I whispered when Sam turned to us with his phone hanging up. Dean and Sam turned around to see Castiel walk towards us. "Cell phones, Cas? Really? Since when do angels need to reach out and touch someone?" Dean asked. I knew that Dean had reached out to Cas for him to help Bobby. "You're hiding from angels now, all Angels. I won't be able to simply.." Cas stopped when Bobby called from inside his room. "Enough foreplay." he snapped in his usual tone. "Get over here and lay your godamn hands on." he growled, but none of us moved towards him. "Get helping now." Bobby snapped. "I can't." Castiel shook his head.

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