Chapter 27

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But before I could do so, I was interrupted by Bobby. "No, I mean, do you feel like yourself? Anything strange or different?" he asked. I quickly lowered my hand sweetly, looking over to Bobby. "Or demonic? Bobby, how often do I have to prove I'm me?" Dean growled, annoyed from the nagging. "Yeah. Well, listen. No demon's letting you loose out of the goodness of their hearts. They've gotta have something nasty planned." Bobby shrugged his shoulders just a tiny bit. "Well, I feel fine." Dean drank from his beer, sitting on the couch. "Okay, look, we don't know what they're planning. We got a pile of questions and no shovel. We need help." Sam chimed in. "I know a psychic. A few hours from here. Something this big, maybe she's heard the other side talking." Bobby suggested, but I was cautious. "How good is she?" I asked. "The psychic? She's the best." Bobby replied with a little bit of dough in his voice. "Well, hell yeah, it's worth a shot." Dean was all for it. "I'll be right back." Bobby left the room when Dean got up; I pulled myself from the floor just as Dean was about to leave. "Hey, wait." Sam got up. "You probably want this back." He added and pulled the cord around his neck off, which had his amulet on the end. "Thanks, where is my ring?" Dean looked confused in his hand. "Oh yeah, I took it off." I wiggled my finger where the Ring was on. "You want it back?" I asked. "Yeah." Dean stretched out his hand, and I passed the Ring back to Dean with a pouting expression. "Hey, Dean, what was it like?" Sam asked just as Dean was about to leave the room. "What, Hell? I don't know, I, I must have blacked it out. I don't remember a damn thing." Dean said towards Sam and me. "Well, thank God for that." Sam nodded. "Yeah." I felt something bothering Dean, but since I won't have the chance to ask, I let it sit for now. Dean looked over to me, and I quickly grabbed my handbag and followed him out of the room. Bobby led us down some stairs; while Bobby walked over to his car, I followed Sam and Dean to the cars, standing next to each other. "Oh, I almost forgot." Dean chuckled with the keys in hand. "Hey, sweetheart, did you miss me?" Dean walked around the car, running his hand along the hood. "You wanna get a room for the two of you?" I asked, laughing while getting into the driver's seat. "Shut up, don't listen to her. She's just jealous." Dean also got into the car, and while I sped off behind Bobby, I saw Dean following me a minute later. We arrived at the psychic's house, and after a knock, the door opened, and a woman came out and hugged Bobby. "You're a sight for sore eyes." Bobby smiled brightly. "So these are the kids?" she asked, looking my brothers up and down. "Sam, Dean, Kaylee. This is Pamela Barnes, the best damn psychic in the state." Bobby introduced us, and we all awkwardly greeted back. "Mmm-mmm-mmm. Dean Winchester. Out of the fire and back in the frying pan, huh? Makes you a rare individual." she was flirting with Dean. "If you say so." Dean replied, a little awkwardness in his voice. "Come on in." Pamela stepped aside as we walked into the house, walking behind Sam into the unknown. "So you heard anything?" Bobby asked as Sam, Dean, and I looked around the room. "Well, I Ouija'd my way through a dozen spirits. No one seems to know who broke your boy out or why." Pamela explained. "So, is that good or bad?" I asked, curious. "Can't say exactly, and trust me, we will find out who pulled your brother out of hell." Pamela walked past me. "So what next?" Bobby asked. A seance so I get a sneak peek on who did the deed." Pamela said, leading us to a neighbouring room. We followed Pamela into the Seance room and helped her set up the table with chairs and a tablecloth; while she looked for candles, I saw my brother stare, which was typical of Dean. "Who Jesse?" he asked, and Pamela laughed. "Well, it wasn't forever." she giggled, placing the candles on the table. "His loss." Dan flirted back. "Might be your gain." She lowered her voice as she passed my brothers. "She's so gonna eat you alive." I laughed as I whispered to Dean. "Hey, I just got out of jail. Bring it." Dean was giddy as Pamela walked by again, giving Sam a wink and whispering. "You're invited too, grumpy." she whispered to him, making me laugh even more, turning away from my brothers. "You are not invited." Dean growled with a raised finger. We sat down, Pamela on my right side and Bobby to my left; she told us to hold hands, though she again flirted with Dean by grabbing his ass and asking for something to touch whoever did that touch. Dean pulled off his flannel and shirt, revealing the handprint. While Pamela was doing her thing, I concentrated with my eyes closed. I heard rumbling and voices around me when, suddenly, a scream was heard, and as I opened my eyes, I saw the candle flames flare up several feet in the air. I looked over to Pamela next to me; her eyes were filled with white light as she collapsed to the floor. Bobby, Dean and I rushed over to help her. I felt Bobby yell for Sam to call an ambulance. Pamela opened her eyes, but the eye sockets were empty and black. "I can't see! I can't see! Oh god!" she was sobbing while Bobby and I held her, waiting for the ambulance to arrive; since I knew a little bit about first Aid, I did a bandage and cleaned the wounds when the ambulance arrived. 

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