Chapter 28

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We went to a diner while Sam was on the phone with Bobby, who stayed with Pamela at the hospital. Since Sam stood outside, Dean and I went inside and ordered from a kind female server. Just as we finished ordering, Sam returned with his phone in hand. "What'd Bobby say?" Dean asked as Sam sat down next to me. "Pam's stable. And out of the ICU." Sam replied. I thought about what we had done to her since this was all our fault. "And blind because of us," I mumbled. "And we still have no clue who we're dealing with."

Sam was also concerned. "That's not entirely true." Dean had an idea. "Whatcha thinking about, brother?" I asked, curious. "We got a name. Castiel, or whatever. With the right mumbo-jumbo, we could summon him, bring him right to us." Dean thought. "You're crazy. not!" Sam said right away. "We'll work him over. I mean, after what he did?" Dean snapped back. "Pam took a peek at him, and her eyes burned out of her skull. You want to have a face-to-face?" Sam asked; he wasn't wrong. "You got a better Idea?" Dean asked. "Well, I don't.. Sam?" I looked over to Sam. "Yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. I followed some demons to town, right?" Sam asked. Dean and I nodded. "Okay," Dean mumbled. "So, we go find them. Someone's gotta know something about something." I nodded again as I thought about what Sam said, and maybe the demons were right just as the waitress came over, placing the pie plates in front of us. Sam and I thanked her when she plopped down in a chair. "You angling for a tip?" Dean asked with a smirk. "I'm sorry. Thought you were looking for us," she replied; her eyes went black, and I quickly jumped up with my knife drawn, but when I saw the people who were also in the Diner with their black eyes, I knew I didn't have a chance. "Dean. To hell and back. Aren't you a lucky duck." she smiled when her eyes turned normal again. "That's me." Dean smiled while I sat down but kept my knife under the table.

"So you get to just stroll out of the pit, huh? Tell me. What makes you so special?" she asked. I looked around at all the demons around me, always ready to jump up. "I like to think it's because of my perky nipples. I don't know. Wasn't my doing? I don't know who pulled me out." Dean made a light shrug with his shoulders. "Right, you don't," she replied. "No, I don't." Dean moved his head, still staring at the waitress. "Lying's a sin, you know." she sweetly said. "I'm not lying. But I'd like to find out, so if you wouldn't mind enlightening me, Flo..." Dean tilted his head slightly to the side while speaking. "Mind your tone with me, boy. I'll drag you back to hell myself." I jumped up with my knife in my hand. "He's not lying, you stupid bitch." I snapped, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw one of the demons move closer to me when Dean pulled me back to my seat while holding a hand up for Sam, who was also ready to jump up in case of a fight. We both sat back down when Dean turned back to the waitress. "No, you won't." Dean sternly said. "No?" she asked curiously. "No. Because if you were, you would have done it already. The fact is, you don't know who cut me loose. And you're just as spooked as we are. And you're looking for answers. Well, maybe it was some turbo-charged spirit. Or, uh, Godzilla. Or some big bad boss demon. I'm guessing they don't tell you squat about your pay grade. Because whoever it was, they want me out. And they're a lot stronger than you. So go ahead. Send me back. But don't come crawling to me when they show up on your front doorstep with some Vaseline and a fire hose." Dean told her, inside my body I was giggling how Dean told her off. "I'm going to reach down your throat and rip out your lungs." I lunged my knife into the table in front of her. "Try and im gonna put my hand up your ass and rip your fricking lungs out?" I hissed. "Kaylee, take it easy, come on." Sam moved me towards the door; I willingly let him push me out of the Diner while Dean paid for the Pie, quickly following us out.

"Holy crap, that was close." I was still furious about what just happened. "I wanna kill them all," I growled, turning back to the Diner. "Come on, Sis." Sam held me back and better controlled me when I was angry. "I fricking wanna kill 'em all." I snapped and tried to run back to the diners, but Sam held me back, moving me away from the diners. While he and Dean talked, I waited nearby until they were finished, walking back and forth, lingering, hoping to get a chance, but Sam had an eye on me, knowing I wouldn't last a minute with three or more demons. "Come on, Sis." Sam walked up to me with Dean behind him. We went back to the Motel, where we met up with Bobby and went to sleep, but when I woke up in the middle of the night hearing Dean scream when I pulled his hand away, I felt him pushing me away, still holding his head with both fingers when I heard Bobby run into the room grabbing Dean by the shoulder. "Well, that was weird," I said as Dean got up from the floor. "Dean, are you okay?" Bobby asked. Dean and I went back to sleep, but before I went back to sleep, I looked over to Sam's sleeping spot on the other couch, which was empty.

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