Chapter 42

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Bobby joked about Sam's new superfan, which made all of us laugh. "She's been super penetrant," I grumbled. So you don't like her?" Bobby asked, and I shook my head. Heck no, I hate her," I growled. "So you boys are looking for the Sword of Michael?" Bobby asked my brothers. "You think we're talking about the actual sword from the archangel?" Dean asked. "You better frigging hope so," Bobby grumbled. Bobby opened a book and showed us a painting of Michael. As I stepped closer to Bobby, I had a weird smell coming into my nose. I tried to tell Sam, but he focused more on the Picture. "That's Michael. Toughest son of a bitch they got." Bobby explained, tipping on the Picture. Sam flipped the page to another photo of Michael. "You kidding me? Tough? That guy looks like Cate Blanchett." Dean grumbled, making me almost smack him on the back of his head. "I wouldn't want to meet him in a dark alley. He commands the heavenly host. During the last big dust-up upstairs, he's the one who booted Lucifer's ass to the basement. Did it with that sword." Bobby pointed to the sword in Michael's hand. "So if we can find it.." Bobby started, but Sam ended the sentence. "We can kick the devil's ass all over again. All right. So, where do we start?" Sam asked at the end. "Divide up and start reading—try to make sense of Chuck's nonsense." Bobby pointed to the books. I got into reading. Sam apologized to Bobby for starting the apocalypse and releasing Lucifer from his cage. "Sammy, it's not your fault," I quietly said, placing my hand on Sam's Shoulder. "It was Ruby who manipulated you. She forced you to kill Lilith and open Lucifer's cage." I added. "Oh, yeah? You're sorry you started Armageddon? This kind of thing doesn't get forgiven, boy. If, by some miracle, we pull this off. I want you to lose my number. You understand me?" Bobby angrily said when I turned to face Bobby. "Bobby stops that shit," I grumbled. "No, Kaylee." Bobby tried to say, but I stopped him. "If you're mad at Sam, you're also mad at me." I snapped and walked away from him when Sam mumbled something about a nearby church, so Sam and I packed up some books and headed out of the house. We went to the church and dug into the lore while none of us said anything. After a while, Sam started packing up; I saw him heading to the door. "You're heading back?" I asked, and he nodded. Right away, I jumped up, grabbed the rest of the book, and ran after him back to the Motel, but when we arrived, Sam and I saw that Dean was in trouble getting attacked by Demons. Bobby was holding a knife up to Dean's throat while a familiar-looking Demon was standing close to him. "Bobby," I yelled. "Kaylee, don't," Dean yelled when Bobby raised the knife to stab Dean but instead stabbed himself. I could see how the demon inside him died when he fell to the Floor while Dean got beaten by a male Demon; I ran over, trying to stab him with my knife, but was stopped by a demon while Sam was on the Floor next to Bobby. "Heya Sammy. Did you miss me? Cause I sure missed you." a female demon said, kneeling next to him and recognizing Meg's voice from the last time we met. "Ah, dang. Hey Sammy, your crazy ex-girlfriend is back." I said with a smirk when feeling the blade touches my skin. "Shut up, you and your brothers ruined my last plan," Meg growled. "Oh buhu, cry me a river." I rolled my eyes when Meg pressed the blade more into my skin. I saw Dean behind Meg, still held by a male Demon, struggling to free himself. Sam was closer to me, but a female Demon also had him. "Watcha gonna do Meg?" I asked in a quiet tone. "You gonna slice my throat?" I asked. "Don't Kaylee, you make her even more angry." Dean called behind Meg. "Thanks, Dean." I smiled, though there was no reason to smile. All of a sudden, a fight broke out. Meg was somewhere between Sam and me while Dean was fighting with the demon he was held by. I kicked Meg, but her Arm blocked my attack, grabbed my leg, and tried to get me to the ground, but I pulled back, getting her to the ground. When the black smoke came from Meg's mouth, I knew the DDemonleft his vessel. "Kaylee, I need your help." Dean called. When I looked, I saw him holding a wound on Bobbie's stomach. "What happened?" I asked, running over. "Bobby stabbed himself, and he smoked out." Dean explained. Sam and I helped Bobby to the car while Dean waited until we were there. Sam Dean and I ran into the emergency room with Bobby, while the boys carried him I ran behind them with Bobbys hat in my hands holding onto it with dear life. A nurse rushed over as Dean shouted for help, and while Dean told the nurse that Bobby was stabbed, while the Nurses took care of Bobby, I felt my whole body shaking. "Hey Sis its gonna be okay, he will be okay." Sam held me tight while I poured my eyes on his Jacket. "Sammy, we got to go." Dean all of a sudden said. "No. No way, Dean." Sam replied when I looked up. "The demons heard where the sword is. We have to get to it before they do if we're not too late already. Come on!" Dean pulled Sam on his Jacket. "Don't worry, Sammy. You go, I stay here with Bobby." I whispered to Dean, who nodded, nudged Sam, and walked out of the Hospital. 

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