Chapter 50

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I fiddled with my fingers. "So? What about dum dum and diddle dum?" I asked, nodding my head towards the prison cell. "We're just talking about it," Bobby said; when I looked down, I saw a look he gave me when he wanted to discuss something privately. "Alright, alright, I'm going," I grumbled. I walked towards my brothers while hearing Bobby and Sheriff Mills talk behind me. Sam came over to the bars as I approached them. "Sup?" I nodded my head towards them, leaning forward onto my crutches. "Sup with you?" Dean asked, making me snort out, rolling my eyes. "Did you find something out about the case?" I whispered. "Well, Clay was dead for five years until a few days ago," Sam whispered. "And did he give you a reason? Did you talk to him?" I asked. "Yeah, he killed Benny Sutton. He admitted to it, but we couldn't find anything else. The sheriff caught us." Dean said. "Well, crap," I mumbled when something hit me on my back; when I turned around, I saw Bobby waving me over. "Hang in there." I winked at my brothers before returning to Bobby and Sheriff Mills. "When is your appointment?" Bobby asked. I looked at the watch I got from Dad ears ago. "In twenty minutes, heading there. Now, pray that I get this thing off." I limped out of the door to my car and drove to the hospital. I was so happy the doctor did an x-ray, and my foot was better. "A week with this, and then you'll be good." the doctor told me before taking the cast off. It took a while; I saw Sam and Dean driving out when I was almost at Bobbie's house. I waited for them when Dean stopped next to my car. "Got your stuff. Bobby kicked us out," he told me, passing me the bag I had left at the house. "Why?" I asked, confused. "Meet you at the Diner," he grumbled, rolled up his window, and drove off; I turned my car around and followed him. At the Diner, we sat down in a corner booth. "What do you guys think?" Sam asked after updating me on what happened while I was in the hospital. "I knew about Karen, but I couldn't tell you," I told them. "But what do you think?" Sam asked. "There is something wrong," I mumbled. "Im not gonna leave Bobby at home with the bride of Frankenstein," Dean growled. "What do you want to do? Just walk in there in front of Bobby and blow her skull off?" Sam asked while I looked between Sam and Dean back and forth. "If she decides that Bobby's face is the blue plate special, I'd like to be there," Dean growled a little louder. "Keep it down, Dude." I hissed, leaning over the table. "Fine. See what else we can find out." Sam grumbled. Dean went back to Bobby while Sam and I split up, and I spied on Sheriff Mills, who had lost her kid, who was now back. Sam called me a while later. I retreated into the shadows and answered his call. "Yeah, Sammy," I whispered while sitting in my car. "How is the Sheriff?" he asked. "Well, happy Family," I told him, still having my eyes on the house. "Coming to you now." he hung up while I continued to wait. "Finally, Sam opened the passenger door and got into my car. "The hell happened to you?" I asked, smelling his jacket, which was stinking. Sam groaned before telling me what happened. "Eww," I grumbled, my nose. I opened my door to get some fresh air when I heard something shatter inside the house. "You heard that?" I whispered. Sam and I jumped out of my door, and while I was slower than Sam, I ran around the car and into the house. As I reached the house, I saw Sam and Jody run out, meeting me outside. "my Husband!" she yelled. "Leave it! He's dead!" Sheriff Mills tried to get back into the house, but Sam held her back. "That was not my son!" she started crying; I comforted him as well as I could. "You're right. It wasn't. Listen, Sheriff. Your town is in danger. People are in danger, and we need to help them now. Can you do that for me?" she shook her head when Sam held her with both hands on her shoulders. "Can you focus on me, Sheriff? Sheriff?" Sam held her until she nodded. "How do we put them down?" she asked; I had to think, but Sam was faster. "Headshot." he replied. "We're gonna need weapons." she said. Sam nodded, asking where to round up people best; she thought for a second before telling us the police station. "Right. um, give me a second." Sam took his gun out. "I'll stay with her," I told Sam before giving me a short nod; a minute later, we heard a gunshot, and I felt a head buried in my shoulder. I just held her until Sam was back. We rounded up a few survivors and brought them to the Police station. I helped Sheriff Mills with the Weapons from the locker while Sam taught the other survivors what we were dealing with. "All right, if I hand you a gun and you see a dead person, I don't care if it's your friend, your neighbor, or your wife, you shoot for the head. That's the only way we survive," he said while I passed Shotguns to them. "You mind telling us who you are?" one of the men asked. "Friends of Bobby Singer," Sam replied while I grabbed the next gun. "Town drunk," he mumbled as I was about to hand him a gun. "He is like an adopted father to me and my brothers." I snapped. "Kee, calm down." Sam had his hand on my shoulder. 

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