Chapter 47

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Since we couldn't find him anywhere, we walked through town with our guns in hand. "Well, this is great. We've been in a town twenty minutes and have already lost the angel up our sleeve," Dean grumbled. "You think, uh, you think Lucifer got him?" I asked. "I don't know what else to think," Dean grumbled. I saw his fingers grip the shotgun tightly. "Dean, he will be fine." I placed my hand on his arm, which calmed him down a little. "There you are." a voice said behind us; I spun around, and Meg, standing in the street, chilled. "Hey Sam, look, it's your crazy ex again," I grumbled. "Shut up, Kaylee," Sam growled. "Shouldn't have come here, boys," Meg said smugly, smiling. "Oh yeah, you wanna say that again," I growled, but Dean moved me back. "Hell, I could say the same thing for you." Dean walked one step towards her with the Colt, aiming at Meg. "Didn't come here alone, Deano." Meg smiled even more when a puddle beside Meg splashed, but we couldn't see what it was. I knew it was a hellhound. "Hellhounds," Dean spoke about what we all thought. "Yeah, Dean, your favorite. Come on, guys, my Father wants to see you." Meg said, but we didn't move. "You can tell your old man he can return to hell," I growled. "Your call. You can make this easier, or you can make it hard." Meg shrugged her shoulders. "When have you known us to make anything easy ever?" Dean asked, still holding the gun in his hand, moving his hand to the side and firing at something near Meg. Blood splattered where the bullet hit the hellhound when we heard the yelping. I heard Sam yell next to me when somebody grabbed my arm, pulling me away. "Come on, Kaylee, you have to run." Sam cried and finally released my arm when he felt me running next to him. Dean and Jo yelled behind me when I heard a gun, making me turn around when something tackled Jo to the ground. "Noo," I yelled. With a swift movement, I had my knife out, running over to Jo, stabbing the air close to her, feeling blood splattering on my clothes when something ripped through my pants. Screaming, I felt something grabbing me, and when I looked, I saw Sam. "I gotch you, Sis." Sam helped me walk since my leg hurt like hell. We ran to a hardware store. Sam helped me inside while Dean had Jo and Ellen close the door behind us. Sam set me down on the floor and ran over to Ellen, helping her with the door. "You okay?" Dean asked. "Im fine, Jo. How is Jo?" I asked, worried. Dean and I looked over to Jo, leaning against the counter. When Ellen returned, Sam was at the front of the store with Dean, doing everything to keep the hellhounds out. "Ellen, take care of Jo first. I'm okay." I told Ellen, who was between Jo and I. Ellen nodded, bandaging up Jo while I waited and helped as well as I could, but the injuries were severe. "Gonna be alright," Ellen whispered, but I saw the opposite when I looked at Ellen's Face. Sam and Dean quietly talked in the front when I heard footsteps approaching us. Ellen took a little time and checked out my leg, which was pretty messed up. "I don't know, sweetheart. Looks not good," Ellen told me. "Don't mind me. I'm more worried about Jo." I gave her a pretty fake smile. "Hey, we gonna find a doctor to treat your leg, alright?" Sam leaned down next to me. "Sam, Jo is more important than getting her out of town," I mumbled. "Yeah. "we just have to get past eight or so hellhounds and get to the farm by midnight," Sam mumbled. "What farm?" I asked Sam what Bobby had told Dean and Ellen over the radio. "Well, dam, so you know where to find Lucifer," I told Sam, who gave me a short nod. "Won't be easy to get them out," Dean said behind Sam. "Stretcher?" Sam asked. "I'll see what we got," Sam said, and when Sam was about to leave, Jo called out. "Stop. Guys, stop," she called. We all looked over to Jo. "Can we be realistic about this, please?" she asked with a break, her breathing getting even shallower. "Jo, you won't be able to make it?" I asked, and she nodded. "Yeah, Uh! I can't move my legs. I can't move. An ace bandage is holding my guts in. We gotta—we gotta get our priorities straight here." Jo said. I held my hand over my mouth, knowing what was going on. "Number one, I'm not going anywhere." Jo stated when Ellen interrupted her, hearing the pain in her voice. "Joanna Beth, you stop talking like that." Ellen said, "Mom. I can't fight. I can't walk. But I can do something. We got propane, wiring, rock salt, iron nails, everything we need." Jo added, holding her mother's hand with her free hand. "Everything we need?" Sam asked, confused, and immediately, I knew what she wanted to do. "Jo, no, you can't." I said, almost in tears. "What do you mean, Jo?" Dean asked. "To build a bomb." Jo answered before turning her head toward me. "Kaylee, there is nothing you can do." Jo looked at me while I still held my hand over my mouth. Dean and Jo argued about another plan that we didn't have. "I won't let you." Ellen shook her head, refusing to allow her daughter to sacrifice herself like that. "this is why we're here, right?" Jo asked when Ellen started crying, which also made me tear up. "If I can get us a shot on the devil. Dean, we have to take it." Jo told us while she looked at my brother with a stern look. "No!" Ellen called out with tears now streaming down her face.

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