Chapter 54

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Mom spoke again. "The worst was the smell. The pain, well. What can you say about your skin bubbling off? But the smell was so. For a second, I thought I'd left a pot roast burning in the oven. But it was my meat." Mom's eyes changed to her standard eye color. when I felt Dean pushing me back towards the door and away from Mom. We somehow got out of heaven and went back to our bodies, where we left them in the motel room. "Kaylee." Dean tried to talk to me, but I ignored him, grabbed my stuff, and left the motel room to stay in my car for the rest of the night. Sadly, it came all different than I had expected. Sam consented to being possessed by Lucifer, and with the help of the rings of the four horsemen of the apocalypse and Michael, who was possessing Sam and Dean's brother, Adam, we got both of them back in the cage; this also meant Sam was gone. "Im sorry, kiddo." Bobby and Cas had both been there but couldn't do anything. "It has just been tough since we came back from heaven, I guess," I said, whipping my face. "Hey, it's gonna be okay." Dean hugged me before we parted ways. Dean wanted to quit for a while and live with Lisa, his former girlfriend, and her son. I tried to return to Kansas and stay close to my old home, so a year passed. I had a few small Jobs, but I never thought about hunting. That was something Sam, Dean, and I wanted to do together. Dean never called me or Bobby when I learned that Sam was never dead but with our maternal grandfather and a few cousins. Cas, who was around all along, told us later that he didn't have a soul, so we went to find it, which wasn't in hell, but Death had it and had helped us with his ring to get Lucifer back into the cage. Cass brought us back in time into the Wild West to find Samuel Colt, the builder of the Colt, since we lost it again. Sam and I had to ride horses, which wasn't a problem for me, but Sam was scared. Somehow, we managed to get his soul back, which is also why Samuel Campell was back, but we sent him back where he came from. But then something happened that I wouldn't forget. Leviathans had taken over the world. These Monster were crazy, plus they could take another person's identity, so Sam, Dean, and I had to hide out for a while, leaving the Impala hidden since we tried to find out what could kill them when Bobby got shot in the head, Sam Dean and I watched how Bobby took his last breath. The weeks after that were awful; Bobby got a hunter's funeral, as he deserved it, but we couldn't say anything to the other hunters; of course, we needed to find out what was able to kill those assholes, but we finally found a solution thanks to Bobby who gave us a hint about Borax which was an anti-freeze chemical. We also need to know if we haven't had to deal with another problem. Dick Roman, who was the Leviathan Boss, found a USB drive with information about us, so we had to delete the stuff. Charlie Bradbury was the only person to help us, so we snuck into his house and waited for her. Sam and I sat at her table while Dean stayed at the door for her and slammed the door shut; when Charlie walked into the kitchen and saw us, she stood frozen. "Don't worry, we don't want to hurt you." I calmly said. "Get away from me, you shapeshifter," she yelled with a plastic sword in her hand. "Look, we're not shapeshifters." Sam tried to say when she tried to slash Sam with the blade, but it broke when Dean grabbed the sword and pulled it away from Charlie. "Look, we're not Leviathans, okay? Do you want us to prove it? You know what Borax does to them?" Dean asked who had Borax in his hand. "Yeah." Charlie was slightly intimidated by Dean but watched as Sam poured Borax over Sam and my hand before he did the same to Sam and made her do it. "Who the hell are you guys?" she asked, getting closer to us; we sat down at her living room table, explaining what we were doing and that we wanted to stop Dick Roman. "So you're saying you guys are monster hunters. So, there are other monsters? Stop. Never mind. Just shh. Okay, I get how you tracked the drive straight GPS, but it's still at the Office. How did you find me?" Charlie asked. Sam looked nervously at Dean and me before showing her the Webcam footage from Frank. "Aw! Son of a gun jacked my webcam?!" she asked. I giggled. "Welcome to Frank," Dean said. "It's creepy, but I'll give it to him. So you're telling me everything he had on his drive is true." Charlie said; I nodded but also felt exhausted after so much Stress we had since Bobbie' Death and with Dick, who was a pain in all of our butts. "That and more." Dean nodded his head, so I zoomed back into reality. "Wait. How long did it take you to crack into Frank's drive?" Sam asked. "A day or so." Charlie replied with a light shrug of her shoulders; I curiously asked what she couldn't hack. "Not yet." She answered with a smile. "How about Dick Romans E-Mails?" Sam asked while I got up to walk around since my feet went numb from sitting around. Charlie muttered an answer, stopped mid-sentence, and finished the sentence. "No, he's their leader." Sam explained. "And he killed somebody close to us." I growled.

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