Chapter 5

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Heading up to Lost Creek alone in the middle of nowhere was weird, but I felt relieved seeing Dean's car standing on the side of the road with my brothers standing at the Trunk with more people. "Who's that Chick?" the Sheriff next to Dean asks as I exit the car. "That's our Sister Kathy," Dean replied. I knew he was using my alias. We agreed to use it just as a precaution. Dean walked over while I got a little backpack out where I had some. "What are we dealing with?" I quietly asked while strapping the backpack onto my back. "Not sure we're hiking over to the campsite where the attack occurred," he whispered back. "Great. I finally get to use the hiking boots I bought weeks ago." I grumbled, turning back to the Trunk and getting my boots on. He turned around and walked back to the group. I followed them a second later. Sam gave me a light hug before introducing me to Haley, Ben and Roy, the Sheriff and Friend of Haley helping her find her missing brother, and walked into the forest behind Sam while I followed them, praying that we get out of there alone. I never missed one training session with Dad, but it had still been a while since I had been hunting with my brothers. "You're doing okay?" I asked Sam who was in front of me. "I guess." Sam was quiet. I knew he was still grieving Jessica. "Listen, if you wanna talk, Sam, I'll be here for you." I quietly told him, holding his hand. "Thanks, Sis. Im going to be okay." Sam squeezed my hand before letting go and walking behind Dean and the other three in front of us. I followed them and almost bumped into Sam, who stopped abruptly. Looking around him from the side, I saw the bear trap on the floor before Dean. Roy walked on with Dean behind him, but Haley stopped Dean to talk to him, so I walked past him when I noticed a few words exchanged between Dean and Haley. I leaned over to Dean. "You should tell her," I mumbled. "Tell me what?" Haley asked, but I kept walking, leaving Dean to deal with it. While walking, I enjoyed the time when somebody nudged me from behind. When I turned around, Haley was behind me. "Can I ask you something?" she asked, walking beside me. "Yeah, what's up?" I asked, checking behind me and seeing Ben and Dean quietly talking behind us. "So you and your brothers hunt monsters?" she asked. I nodded. "Yeah, we do. I'm not sure how much Dean has told you, but yes, he, Sam and I hunt monsters; we think whoever took your brother is one of those monsters." I explained. Roy stopped at one point ahead of us. "That's it, Blackwater Ridge," Roy said, turning towards us. "What Coordinates are we at?" Sam asked, walking past us and standing near Roy. He pulled out a GPS from his pocket. "Thirty-five and Minus one-eleven," he told him. I felt somebody pass me; since we were in a clearing, it was a vast space. "You hear that?" Dean asked. All three of us listened, but there was not a beep. "Yeah, not even a cricket," Sam answered while I nodded, continuing to listen. "Im gonna go look around," Roy told us, but Dean blocked his way. "You shouldn't go off by yourself," Sam told him while I stayed where I was. "That's sweet. Don't worry about me," he said with a shrug. "Listen, if my brother says it's a bad idea to walk away from the group, maybe you shouldn't be so selfish and, for once, listen to him." I snapped while Roy ignored me and pushed past my brothers while Haley and Ben walked behind him. "Alright, everybody stay together. Come on. Let's go." Dean ushered Sam and me behind Haley and Ben while he took the ending. A while later, we finally arrived at the campsite, which was a mess. "Jesus Christ," I whispered, looking around. "Looks like a grizzly." Yeah, well, I think not." I mumbled, touching the torn-up tent before me where the claw marks went through the fabric. "Tommy," Haley yelled out for her brother. I knew this was a big mistake. "Shush, Haley," I whispered, but she didn't listen and continued to call out to her brother. "Haley quit yelling. We don't know what this is, so until then, please don't yell. It might hear us." I whispered, holding onto Haley's Arm. "Why?" she asked. "I told you something could be out there lurking around." I whispered. "Sam Kathy." Dean called us over. I walked up to him, kneeling next to him. "The bodies were dragged from the campsite. But here, the track just vanished. That's weird." Dean frowned his eyebrows. We got up, and I wondered what kind of monster would do that. "I'll tell you what, that's not a skinwalker or a black dog." Dean told us. I turned to my brothers. "Maybe it's a Rugaru." I whispered, but Dean shook his head. "How do you know?" Dean asked. "I heard about them and thought about them eating the humans." I spoke out loudly. Dean, Sam and I returned to the campsite, where I saw Haley pick something up from the ground. It was a bloody cell phone. "Hey, he could still be alive." Dean told me when we heard somebody shout for help. Roy ran towards where the calls came from, but there was nothing. "it seemed to come from around here, didn't it?" Haley asked, which made me think about the Rugaru thing. "Everybody back to the Campsite." Sam ordered. I walked behind my brothers to the campsite. Where we couldn't find the bags while I still had mine on my back. "So much about my GPS and Satellite phone." Roy hissed. "Well, now I know it wasn't what I thought it was." I mumbled towards Sam.

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