Chapter 25

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It has been three months since Dean was pulled to hell. During that time, I lived in a little town called Kripkes Hollow with a guy I met in a bar where I was getting wasted just a few days after what happened in Indiana. I woke up the next day at his house and was treated to some coffee. He let me stay mostly writing on his computer while I sat in a corner, drinking and staring into the distance. Sam and Bobby haven't been seen since, and I haven't spoken to either of them or answered the phone. But all of a sudden, while I was shopping, I got a message from him that I had to leave immediately since he had been in a relationship for months, even before he met me. "Son of a bitch." I growled, grabbed my shopping bag, put them in the car and drove to the house; I knew Charles was asleep after writing the whole night drinking whiskey. After only ten minutes, I packed my bag and stashed it in the trunk; before leaving the house, I wrote a note to Charles. Thanks for nothing, Assface :(( I stuck it to the PC screen, closing the door after leaving the house. "Son of a bitch."

I growled, but that sentence brought back so many memories when Dean said it. I drove to Illinois and stayed in a crappy Motel when the messages started flooding in from him, but I ignored him when Bobby called all of a sudden. "Hi, Bobby." I greeted him. "Hey, kiddo, where are you?" Bobby asked. "In some crappy Motel in Springfield, why?" I asked back. "Stay where you are. I'm on my way." He hung up, which wasn't typical for Bobby, so something was happening. The next day, I returned from getting breakfast in a Diner I went to almost every day. Just as I was about to fall for another nap, which I did day in and day out, I heard a knock on my room door; when I opened the door, I saw Bobby and a little behind him, I saw Dean or, so I thought since Sam, Bobby and I buried him four months ago.

I couldn't believe it. "Hey, Sis." Dean smiled. "This can't be," I whispered. "It's me," Dean replied in a soft tone. I pulled out the knife I always had on my belt, walking up to him when Bobby got between us; since I was smaller and a lightweight, he picked me up, holding my wrist with my knife away from him. "Kaylee, knock it off. It's him. I went through with it already." Bobby growled, placing me on the floor behind him. "How?" I asked, looking confused at Bobby and Dean, still not believing my brother was back. "I have no idea how, but all I have is this." Dean pulled his jacket down and lifted his shirt, showing a handprint on his shoulder.

I walked up to him, carefully touching the print, flinching back when I felt Deans's skin under my fingertips. Finally, I realized it was him and could hug my big brother. "Oh, I missed you, big brother," I whispered as he hugged me tight. "Missed you too," Dean mumbled while I held him before releasing him. "Does Sam know?" I asked towards Bobby, who shook his head. "We wanted to find you first before Sam," Bobby replied. "You know how Sam can be sometimes," Dean smirked. "Oh, and you don't? You're the most stubborn person in the world, Dean." I grumbled, but before Dean could argue, Bobby stepped in and told us to knock it off. I packed my bag and got out of the room; as I dumped my bag in my trunk, I saw Dean walking over from Bobbie's car parked on the other side of the lot. "You mind if I drive with you?" he asked; since I couldn't say anything, he got into the passenger seat while I seated myself in the driver seat, starting the car. "So, what have you been up to while I was gone?"

Dean asked while I drove behind Bobby. "Well, I lived in Ohio for the most time until the guy I was with dumped me, telling me he had a girlfriend long before we met," I told him. "That Asshole if I get my hands on that son of a bitch." Dean growled. "Screw that guy if he wants to be with somebody else." I scoffed. "Im sure there is somebody out there who wants to be with me and not screw around with my feelings," I grumbled. "I will find him and make him pay," Dean growled, but I placed my hand on his arm. "Dean, screw him. Okay, I have you back, my brother, the love of a brother to his sister means way more than some Asshole." I told him, looking over and trying to focus on the road before me. "Aw, that sounds so cheesy." Dean clicked his tongue. "Shut up, you're an idiot." I scoffed, looking before me, but I had a big smile.

I had my brother back, and I was so happy. "You haven't changed." I gripped the steering wheel tighter while I placed my other hand on my window. We arrived at the Motel in Pontiac, Illinois, after dusk. I had a creepy feeling as we entered the Motel, but I trusted Dean and Bobby to lead me to a Motel room. It didn't take a minute as the door flung open, revealing a light-dressed woman looking confused at two dudes and a chick standing in front of her motel room. "So where is it?" she asked; I thought what Dean and Bobbie's faces looked like. "Where is what?" Dean asked. "The pizza takes two guys to deliver," she replied. "I think we have the wrong room." Dean kindly said, but a figure appeared from a nearby room before we could turn around. Sam looked confused as to why Bobby, Dean and I were standing in front of his Motel room.

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