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   Lily woke up, feeling an immediate headache hit her in the face. She looked around, sitting up slightly, jumping at the body beside her. The tall, large, brunette headed boy layed with his face facing the opposite way of her, Lily not being able to get a good look at his face. Just as she was about to carefully exit the bed, the mystery boy began to wake up, his head slowly turning to the girl. She gave him an awkward smile, quickly putting on her clothes.

Ethan watched as she awkwardly got dressed, telling she was uncomfortable. He also didn't know what to say, but he handed her the shirt on his side of the bed, that he assumed was hers. She mumbled a quick thank you, quickly throwing it over her body before collecting her phone and bag.

" Lily, right?", he said as she opened the door. The blonde just nodded, waving goodbye to him as she exited his room.

Lily immediately went to the staircase, trying to find the front door. She realized it was in the kitchen, which was full of a group of guys. Quickly entering the small room, a bunch of eyes landed on her, the girl just smiling awkwardly before leaving the house quickly and trying to figure out how to get home.


Ethan came downstairs from his room, raising an eyebrow at the rest of his friends in the kitchen, who immediately looked at him. " What?",

" He just had like the hottest girl in his room, and literally says ' What',", his friend, Luke joked. The rest agreed, Ethan shrugging.

" Her name is Lily, I just can't think of her last name. Do any of you guys know her?",

They all shook their heads, one of his friends saying something. " I remember her from the lacrosse team, I went to a game last year with Sierra, she was playing".

Ethan kept that in mind, continuing to try and find something for himself to eat. He lived in a house with 4 of his teammates, Mark, Luca, Rutger and Dylan. Sometimes they all got annoyed with each other, but since they were on the hockey team together, it was mostly fun to live all together.

Usually Ethan brings home girls after almost every party, and never shows any interest in them, let alone try and figure out their names. But there was something about Lily that he just couldn't let go of, but he kind of ruined his chances since their first interaction was a drunk hook up.


Lily arrived back to her apartment after a short 10 minute walk, unlocking the door and immediately going into Annie's room. Her best friend sat at her desk, probably finishing some sort of work for the chemical engineering major she was in.

The blonde face planted on her bed, her best friend spinning around. " oh god, we are still in last nights clothes",

Annie laughed, Lily groaning. " I hooked up with this hockey player, he was absolutely gorgeous, but still, a hockey player. What is wrong with me",

" If he was hot, what's the problem?", Annie said raising her eyebrows. The two sat in her bed, searching up the roster on Annie's laptop. As they scrolled through, it landed on someone named Ethan Edwards, Lily immediately recognizing his face.

" That's him", she said, Annie's mouth dropping as they searched him up on google.

" Lily, he's like actually good. And he's so hot, please go for him", Annie practically begged, Lily laughing.

Once they were done, Lily went into the bathroom to shower, changing into a pair of sweatpants and a t shirt. She finished up the work she had for one of her few classes for the sport's management course she took. Lily was more focused on being good at lacrosse, and did sports management to have a back up plan, since it was something she was familiar with.

She found herself stalking Ethans profile, then seeing the notification pop up that he followed her on instagram. She laughed to herself, since they were both stalking each other. Lily waited a couple minutes before following him back, then going to hangout with Annie.



I'm acc excited for this book lolll

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now