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    Lily found herself walking into the large house, dropping her bag by the door and wandering to the kitchen. " Hey, Lily" Luca smiled at her.

" Hey",

He looked at the girl, who seemed to be in a bad mood.
" You good?",

She smiled and nodded, " Yep, Annie and I are just arguing. It's stupid". He looked at her, clearly showing her that he was listening. " Well the other day obviously everyone had to leave our apartment, and now we can't stay there for a while because there was a leak or something. Our friend offered us to stay with her, but Annie said no since her place isn't big enough. Which I get, but now we have nowhere to go",

Luca smiled, " Just stay here. You guys are always here anyways, plus, there is an extra bedroom in the basement where me and Rut are. You guys would have to share, but it's not a small room",

" We can't do that. It's not fair, I'd have to ask the other guys too",

" I'll text them right now", he shrugged, pulling out his phone and texting their group chat with all of the guys in the house. Lily sat at the counter, eating from the bag of chips that Luca had previously opened.

Lily felt bad intruding on the guys space. Even though her and Annie were here almost everyday, it would be completely different. Luca clapped loudly, the girl jumping slightly. " They said yes, told you they wouldn't care".

" Obviously we can pay you guys, like for rent", Lily quickly said, Luca shaking his head.

" Lily it's nothing, don't worry about it".



Where r u?


Can I come

We need to talk

READ AT 10:57 AM


Lily walked into the library, seeing Annie sitting on one of the couches. She sat beside the girl who barely even acknowledged that she was there. They sat in silence for awhile, before they both looked at each other.

" I'm sorry", they both said, laughing slightly.

" Look, I know I was being ridiculous. It was really sweet for Maisie to offer us a place to stay, so I understand if you want to do it", Annie said, putting her computer down.

" No you were right. It's not gonna work, but I do have another option for us", Lily smiled. " I know it's kinda weird, but the guys offered us to stay with them. There is only one room in the basement, but they said we don't even need to pay rent. We can do it if you want",

Annie smiled, " Lily that's so good. Thank you". She said and gave her a hug. Lily smiled, the two deciding to head to their apartment to get their things.

After they put most of their clothes into bags, Lily called Ethan to see if he could pick them up. Thankfully he was driving back from somewhere, so he said yes.

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