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Ethan and Mark were at the gym together, since the team had assigned work outs they had to complete every week. " So, have you asked Annie out or?",

" What makes you think I'm gonna ask her out",

Ethan looked at his friend, " Don't be stupid. You guys do literally everything together",

" You and Lily are the exact same?",

He shook his head, " No, me and Lily don't fuck regularly or make out on the living room couch regularly",

Mark rolled his eyes, knowing he was right. " I might, I'm scared though. Maybe she doesn't want a relationship",

" She does. She told Lily that she is waiting for you to ask her", Ethan nodded, remembering what Lily had told him a few days earlier.

" What else does she tell Lily?", Mark looked at him, narrowing his eyes. Ethan shrugged, " Don't act like she doesn't tell you everything, she literally tells you when she goes to the bathroom. Even if you are not home",

" She doesn't really say anything about you and Annie. She just said that Annie is waiting for you to ask her out",

The two boys put the weights on, Mark sitting on the bench. " Should I do it before break? I'm not gonna see her until we get back",

Ethan groaned, " Mark, do it whenever you think is best. Annie won't care if you wait, she isn't gonna find someone new",

The boy nodded, the two continuing with their work out. Mark was worried about when to actually ask Annie, since he lives about an hour away from the school, and she lives in Chicago.


Annie's birthday was in a few days, meaning it was almost time for all students to go home for the holidays. Lily lived in Washington, so she never really went home during the school year. She was excited to go home for the week until after Christmas, then her and Annie were going away.

In the past week her dad had gotten a bit better, and hopefully will be home by Christmas. This made Lily feel better about going away, but she was still going to spend as much time with him as possible while she was home. Since the two girls were going away a few days after Christmas, they were just coming right back to Michigan afterwards. They would get back a day before classes started again, so they didn't mind.

Ethan and Mark got home from the gym and their classes, Lily zipping up the umich lacrosse bag that was in front of her. " And you're going where?",

" I do have classes sometimes", she replied to Ethan who just shrugged. Mark said hi to the girl, going upstairs quickly. " See you when I get back",

" Do you want a drive?", he said, Lily immediately turning around to face him, her eyebrows raising. " Let's go then",

They got into the car, Lily quickly turning the heat on.
" Mark said he's thinking about asking Annie out soon, he just isn't sure when yet", Lily clapped excitedly, the boy driving her to her class.

" See you later", she smiled, " Thanks for the ride", the girl said, quickly pressing a small kiss on his cheek and leaving the car before he could respond. Ethan watched as she quickly walked into the building, running a hand through is hair before driving back to the house.

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