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Lily stood outside of the physiotherapist, waiting for Ethan to come pick her up. Her appointment ended 15 minutes ago, and he said he'd pick her up. She texted him, but didn't get an answer. This was unlike him, since he was always on time, especially when picking her up from somewhere. Lily called the boy, who answered right before it went to voicemail. " Yea?", he said, the girl hearing talking behind him.

" Are you coming to pick me up?", she asked, clearly annoyed. Ethan went silent, Lily wanting to scream at him. " Nevermind, I'll ask Rutger to get me", she said, hanging up immediately. She called Rutger, who came right away.

" What's Ed doing?", he asked as they drove back to the house. Lily shrugged, Rutger raising an eyebrow at her.

" Don't know. He obviously forgot, must be busy", she said, not wanting to sound rude. Rutger just nodded, noticing she was annoyed. They walked into the house, Ethan standing in the kitchen when they got back. Rutger decided to go upstairs, not wanting to walk into the conversation they were obviously gonna have.

" I'm so sorry Lily, I totally forgot", he said quickly, not wanting her to be mad at him. She just nodded, going downstairs. Ethan followed her, " That's it? You aren't upset?",

" I am, so I'm not responding to you", she replied, going into her room and shutting the door in his face. Ethan sighed, throwing his head back as he went upstairs and to his room. Annie went into Lily's room, the girl sitting on her bed. " He's such a dick", Annie laughed slightly, sitting beside her. " How do you forget, after I texted you and mentioned it to him this morning. And he thinks I'm just gonna forgive him, he's so annoying",

Annie understood why Lily was upset. It wasn't like Ethan to forget to pick her up, especially since he always offered to drive her everywhere. She didn't want to pry too much, so she eventually left her alone and went upstairs. Mark stood in the kitchen, trying to find something to eat. " Do you know what's up with Ethan?",

Mark shrugged, " Who knows. Why, what happened". Annie explained the situation to him, the boy surprised. " I'll talk to him, see what he says",

After a few hours, Lily made her way upstairs to find herself something to make for dinner. Rutger, Luca, Mark and Ethan stood around the island, talking about something. Lily didn't say anything, quickly making herself a sandwich. Ethan looked at the girl, knowing she hated sandwiches. " Want to go get food?", he asked, the girl grabbing her plate and exiting the kitchen.

" Nope", was all she said, sitting on the couch. All the guys pressed their lips in a thin line, looking at Ethan who just stared at the girl who had her back to him. Mark looked at him, seeing a look of guilt in his eyes. He wondered what he was doing to forget to pick her up, but he didn't even want to ask. Once Lily put her plate in the dishwasher and went downstairs, Mark asked him.

" So what were you doing when you were supposed to be picking her up?",

Ethan rolled his eyes, " I just forgot. I didn't do it on purpose", he said. Mark looked at him, like he was an idiot. " Ok fine, I was meeting a girl from one of my classes at some cafe. She said she wanted to work on the homework, obviously she didn't want to. But I didn't do anything with her",

" But you still forgot to get Lily, you could've texted her at least",

" Yea I know. I don't know why I didn't leave, I obviously only like Lily. I don't know what I'm gonna do, she usually doesn't stay mad at me", Ethan admitted, not sure how he was gonna make it up to her.

Lily sat at her desk, brushing out her hair that was freshly washed. A knock appeared at her door, the girl opening it as she put her rings back on. Ethan stood at her door, holding flowers and a box of Diet Coke. " Can we talk, please?", She let the boy in, Ethan placing the stuff on her desk. Lily sat back in her chair, waiting for him to say something. " I'm sorry I forgot to pick you up, I shouldn't have, but I should've texted you at least. I went to meet this girl from one of my classes to do work, or I thought she wanted to do work. I don't know, but I should've left and come to get you. I'm sorry",

Ethan stood in front of her, Lily looking at him. " Whatever, it's fine. I overreacted",

" No, you didn't. I was being a dick, and I'm sorry", he said, not wanting her to feel like she was overreacting.

" So this girl, your new girlfriend?", Lily teased

Ethan shook his head, " I only want you, Lily. I just got you flowers and your favourite drink, I thought it was obvious", he said laughing. Lily smiled, standing up and giving the boy a hug. Ethan wrapped his arms around the girls waist, kissing her forehead.

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