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Summer has finally began a few days ago, and Lily was enjoying her time at home with her family. Even though it consisted of Ethan and her facetiming often, he was in New Jersey for a week to train with the devils. " So he knows Jack Hughes?", her friend, Mya, from home asked

" Yeah, but we all know Luke, so everyone kinda knows Jack and Quinn", Lily shrugged. She had met them last year, when Luke was still at their school. Even though Lily only met the team this year after her and Ethan's hook up, everyone sees each other at the bars around campus often. " Jack even bought me a drink once",

Mya gasped, shaking her head. " And you picked Ethan",

" Hey, Ethan's great. Plus, Jack definitely didn't mean it like that",

" Is Ethan gonna come visit?", Mya asked, throwing her blonde hair up into a ponytail.

Lily shrugged, " We're all going to Marks lake house in like two weeks. So probably not",

Mya sighed, " Ugh, I wanted to meet him", she joked, Lily smiling as they walked back to the girls house.

As much as Lily loved being at school, she found comfort in being home. Even though her and Mya didn't speak often when at school, they hung out a lot when they were home. Mya went to NYU, so they weren't even close to one another during the school year.


lilypaige back w twin!!Comments

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lilypaige back w twin!!

myajio my bff

edwards.73 Summer day 3 and already tan
  lilypaige it's my hobby

annierout gorg gfs

dylanduke25 I miss u bff
  lilypaige missing u dukes!!

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