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annieroutHappy hoco!! @lilypaigeComments

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Happy hoco!! @lilypaige

lilypaige you are going to hell

markestapa me after going out
rutgermcroarty wait same
luca.fantilli wait same

edwards.73 the AirTag
annierout she can't go far

Lily and Annie stood in their kitchen, making sure they had everything they needed before they headed to watch the guys first game of the season at Yost. Annie told her friend that Mark had also invited her to come, and obviously Annie said yes, only if Lily would go with her.

" Maybe we will start dating these tall, strong men that play hockey, that also happen to be best friends",

The blond just looked at her, Annie smiling. They had always wanted to date people that somehow knew each other, cause it made it a lot easier to do things together. " Maybe, or maybe not",

Annie groaned, " You're such a buzz kill. It would be so fun, and why are you acting like Ethan is ugly or something",

" He obviously isn't ugly", Lily quickly said. She knew that almost every girl on campus thought Ethan was attractive, especially after going through his instagram comments.

The walk to the large arena was silent, but not awkward. That's why the two girls liked being friends, they never found it awkward if they didn't talk for a period of time. It wasn't because they were mad, they just felt comfortable with each other.

After finding their seats, the pair sat down and waited for the game to begin. The arena was packed, since it was the first home game of the season. Lily would never admit it to Ethan, not wanting to boost his ego, but she was a bit excited to see him play. Apparently he was one of the best players on the team, so she hoped he lived up to the expectations that she has for him.

Annie led the girl out of the large arena, the smile still on her face. After the game, Annie insisted that they waited for their ' friends' to come out. Obviously Lily wasn't going to say no, knowing her best friend was excited to see the guy she was interested in. Once Mark made his way out of the change room, he smiled at the two girls and began talking with them. Ethan came out with a few other guys, smiling and waving at Lily, not coming over since he was in the middle of a conversation.

Lily didn't mind that Ethan didn't talk to her, she was kind of relieved. She didn't know what to really say, other than the basic, ' you played so well'. Once Mark and Annie were done talking, the pair exited and began walking back. " He's so cute, don't you think?",

" He is, he's like a puppy. I don't know if that makes sense, but I mean it in a good way", The blonde said laughing.

Annie agreed with her, the two walking in a comfortable silence. " I can't believe Ethan didn't come over, what a dick. He literally invited you",

Lily shrugged, " He waved, it doesn't really matter. He was in the middle of a conversation, plus, I'm glad. I would've been awkward",

" You're never awkward when talking to him",

" everytime I've talked to him I've had alcohol in my system. Except for the one time they came and picked us up. I'm not as out going as he thinks, but honestly, I'm perfectly okay with the fact he didn't come over", Lily said, " But it would've been nice to get away from the sexual tension between you and Mark"

Annie laughed loudly, rolling her eyes in a joking manor as they approached their apartment building. Once they got inside, they both went to their rooms to change before figuring something out for food.


Hey sorry I didn't come over after

Don't worry about it

All good

I planned on it

Luca starting talking to me right
when I left the change room

Seriously Ethan it's okay


R u busy tmrw night?

Umm don't think so

Why what's up

Wanna get food or something

I can pick you up?

Like in a car



Yes ok sounds good

Is it because I have a car?

I am glad you have a car

New personal Uber 😊

Ohhh great

7 ok?


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