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    Lily and Annie got back from going to Starbucks for Annie's birthday, the guys making food for everyone in the house. To the girls surprise- they were actually successful in cooking. The boys had a game later on today, so they all planned on just hanging around the house. Unfortunately, Lily had to go to class, so she said her goodbyes to everyone before leaving.

Rutger, Ethan and Luca sat in the living room, watching something on the tv. " So, Ethan", Rutger spoke, the older boy raising an eyebrow at him, " When are you gonna ask Lily out?",

" What makes you think I'm gonna ask her out?",

Luca rolled his eyes, " You guys are basically dating anyways, so why not make it legit", he said, Ethan shaking his head.

" Come on, you guys watch movies almost every single night, you drive her wherever she needs to go, and you don't drive us anywhere", Rutger said pointing between him and Luca, " and you probably fuck everytime you spend the night in her room",

Ethan rolled his eyes at the driving comment, " You have your own car, Rut. And we don't fuck, we haven't even kissed since the time she was here after a party. We don't do anything couples do",

Luca shrugged, " just saying, if I were you I would get on that. There's a lot of other guys that would be happy to do it", Ethan realized what Luca was saying was right. He knew a lot of his friends, and other guys found Lily attractive, and Ethan knew how he felt towards her. But he's never thought of how he would feel if another guy tried to go for her.

Ethan knew that he had feelings towards Lily, and he truly did want to express them to her, but he was worried that she didn't feel the same way. He was snapped out of his thoughts when Mark and Annie went to the door, saying bye to everyone since he offered to take her for lunch for her birthday.


Annie and Lily sat in the Yost arena, sitting front row on the other side of the rink from where the bench was. It was the third period of the game, and it felt pretty awkward. A lot of the guys kept getting into random fights, causing them all to get sent to the penalty box. Ethan had already been sent there three times, and Lily wasn't that surprised.

In the last 10 minutes of the game, the girls watched as Ethan pushed a random guy to the ground, who seemed to be talking to him. After aggressively hitting him and throwing punches at the guys face, he got kicked off of the ice. Ethan argued with the refs, eventually having to be basically pushed out of the rink. " That's a bit random", Annie said

" I'm sure he will be happy to tell us about it later", Lily joked, her friend agreeing. They waited for the game to be over, then waiting outside the arena for their friends. Lily thanked herself for remembering to wear her super puff today, instead of a vest like she usually does.

Rutger and Luca came out, Mark quickly following them. They all said hi to the girls, Rutger and Luca continuing to Rutgers car. " Do you guys need a ride?", Mark said, Annie already following him

" Is Ethan coming?", Lily said in a confused tone

" He'll probably be a while, I think he's getting in shit", Mark said, " I'll drive you back, he'll be home in a bit".

Lily got into the back of Marks car, all of them engaging in conversation on the short ride back to the house. Once they returned, Lily went down to her room to change and get herself some what ready for bed.


Come to my room once ur

Lily watched something on Netflix, then hearing a knock on her door. She watched as Ethan entered her room, sitting on the end of her bed. " What took you so long?",

" The coaches wanted to talk", he shrugged, Lily raising an eyebrow at him. " They were mad at me, obviously",

" Why did you hit that guy, nothing was even happening",

Ethan shrugged, " Well he said something about how he would see this girl on all of our instagrams and was asking who it was, and obviously he was talking about you, and he was just being weird and it was annoying",

" Well what was he saying?",

" I don't know, it doesn't even matter. It was stupid", Ethan said quickly, running his hand through his hair

" Well thanks for doing that, do you feel like a knight in shining armour?", she said laughing, ethan rolling his eyes. " Sorry, but seriously thanks, E. You shouldn't have though, it probably wasn't worth getting in trouble for",

Ethan smiled a bit, " It's fine. I'm suspended until we get back from break though" he said as he stood up and laughed.

" Ethan, that's not funny", she said trying to sound serious. He just scoffed before heading to the girls door.

" See you tomorrow?", he said, Lily nodding before he left and shut the door behind him.

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