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edwards.73 woot

rutgermcgroarty ummm use me for clout I guess
edwards.73 you speak like TikTok..

markestapa my dad on and off the ice ❤️😏
edwards.73 only in the bedroom

luca.fantilli ed

Lily took advantage of the fact that she now knew Ethan had a car, so she asked him to drive her to her next class. Of course he said yes, cause she knew she wouldn't say no. The girl walked out of her building, climbing into his car and smiling.

" I love having a personal Uber",

Ethan laughed sarcastically, then smiling. " I don't mind, I have no classes today anyway".

She smiled, offering to buy him coffee on their way. He declined, saying he had a practice in a bit so he had to get back to the house. Ethan pulled over outside of the building her class was in, Lily turning to face him. " Thanks so much, E. Won't happen again!",

" Yea we'll see if that's true", he said before she said goodbye and quickly went into the large building.

Ethan couldn't believe that he found himself happily driving Lily around, and not complaining to a single person about it. His friends obviously teased him about it, since he would literally stop what he's doing to pick her up and drive her to wherever she needed to go.

After her class, she walked back to her apartment building with her AirPods in. On her way back, she saw one of Ethan's housemates, Dylan. He said hi to the girl, making quick conversation before continuing to go wherever he was headed. Lily and Annie found themselves going to the house a lot recently, hanging out with Ethan and Mark, but the other guys as well.

She arrived back at the large building, seeing Annie and a few other people standing outside. " Why are you standing out here?",

Annie rolled her eyes, " Someone pulled the fire alarm, but apparently we aren't allowed back in. I'm so pissed, I've been trying to do my work for hours and once I finally concentrate this happens".

Lily was just as confused as everyone else, the two standing beside each other. She began texting Ethan, who had just finished practice. " Ethan said we can go there and do work, if we want to".

" Thank god", Annie said, who was smart enough to bring her bag down with her. The two walked to the large house, entering through the huge front door and leaving their shoes on the mat. Once they entered the kitchen, they saw Rutger and Mark. Apparently Rutger and Luca had moved into the rooms in the basement, since they aren't freshman anymore.

" Oh hey girls", Rutger said smiling at them as he ate some of the grapes from the bowl in front of him. They smiled and waved, sitting at the counter.

" What's wrong with your building?", Mark asked. Annie explained the whole situation to them again, the two also being confused. " Well you guys can stay here as long as you need",

Lily thanked him, Annie getting her school work out. The blonde searched the cupboards for snacks, finding nothing that interested her.


Are u in my house


How did you know

I just got back and ur shoes
are at the door

And im the one that said to
come over

Ok stalker

Come upstairs to my room

Don't know where that is

Pls be fr

On my way!

Lily sneaked away from the group, heading up the large staircase and entering the boys room. Ethan sat in his desk chair, his hood up as he sat on his phone. " Do you need something?",

" You're the one at my house",

" Not to see you, I'm here cause Annie needed to do her school", she said sternly. Ethan just rolled his eyes and stood up, his large figure towering over the girl.

" Wanna get food?", He proposed, the girls face immediately lighting up before she shook her head. " I'll pay",

" Deal".

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now