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  Lily finished getting ready, quickly throwing on a pair of light blue jean shorts to go with the black long sleeve shirt she wore. It was only the middle of September, so it wasn't to cold yet in Michigan. Annie excitedly walked into the girls room, taking a pair of her socks.

" You're oddly excited",

Annie shrugged, " there might be a cute guy that I talked to at the library the other day..", she said, lily raising her eyebrow. " And he happens to be on the hockey team, saw it on his sweater".

The blonde just laughed and shook her head, the two girls exiting their apartment building. Maisie would already be there with her team, so the two girls walked there on their own.

" I assume you know how to get there?", Annie said, trying not to laugh at her own words.

Lily laughed mockingly, going the exact route she went to get home a few days ago, which felt like it was yesterday. The duo talked about whatever crossed their minds, finally arriving at the large brick house. It had banners in the front, most of them about hockey. Lily suddenly felt nervous, and she hated it. Annie grabbed the girls hand, the two walking through the huge door frame. They immediately saw Maisie, with a few other girls.

" I'm so glad you guys made it, this is Alex, and Paige. They're on the soccer team. Guys, this is Annie and Lily", Maisie spoke to her friends, the two girls smiling at them.

Annie and Lily went into the kitchen, grabbing what they assumed were random drinks. Usually they would bring their own, but Maisie told them that the hockey guys usually buy random stuff to put in their fridge, and they did do that. The two girls said hi to a few people they recognized, mostly being with each other.

" oh my god, that's the guy from the library", Annie said, looking behind Lily. Her friend looked behind her, recognizing him as one of the guys from the kitchen that morning.

" go talk to him, I'll go find Maisie", Lily said, lightly shoving her friend in his direction. After leaving Annie to complete her mission for the night, Lily tried to find somebody that she sort of knew. As she looked around, she felt a pair of eyes on her, the girl immediately recognizing his face.

Lily obviously knew it was Ethan, knowing no one else looked like him, it would be impossible. She began to sweat, realizing the tall boy was walking towards her. "It's only been a few days, are you really back for round two already?",

She smiled up at the boy, who was already staring at her. " Sorry to disappoint, but I'm not. My friend wanted to come, she met this guy at the library the other day. I believe he also lives here",

" Is it Luca? It's definitely Luca",

Lily shrugged, " I'm not sure what his name is, they are right there", she said confused where they went. " oh now they are in the corner",

Ethan laughed, " Oh it's mark, shocking", they watched the two make out aggressively in the corner, Lily wanting to throw up.

" Anyways, tell me about yourself", he said, the girl turning to face him. She raised an eyebrow at him, Ethan rolling his eyes. " We didn't even talk last time, we skipped the basics",

" Ummm, im doing sports management and I'm on the lacrosse team, which is how I got into the school", she said, trying to think of something else to say. " And parties aren't really my favourite thing",

Ethan narrowed his eyes at her, " They aren't your thing but you've gone to two in the last 4 days?",

" They aren't my thing, but I'll still go",

Lily shrugged, the brunette just nodding in agreement. " I feel like you already know everything about me. You've been in my house, and my friends know who you are already",

" So you talk about me?",

Ethan shrugged and nodded, " I told them I had to find out who you are. Couldn't pass up on a pretty girl",

Lily felt her cheeks heat up, she was amazed at how easily he could say things like that. " Understandable, one of us has to be obsessed, and it wasn't gonna be me",

He just rolled his eyes playfully at her comment, leading her into the kitchen to get her another drink. Lily thanked him, putting her empty can in the trash and opening the new one.

Ethan saw Luca and Rutger give him a thumbs up, the boy just tilting his head up at them. He saw Mark lead the girl he was with upstairs, Ethan excited to annoy him about it later.

" Well, looks like Mark and your friend are taking it upstairs",

Lily sighed, " Great, then I have no reason to stay anymore", she said, placing her drink onto the counter.

" Come on, are you serious",

" no I'm not Ethan, I'm kidding. I'm obviously not leaving",

He felt butterflies in his stomach when she said his name, the way her deep voice made it sound making her even more attractive. Ethan rolled his eyes, the two continued to talk for awhile, eventually sitting on the couch. Lily sat facing him, her legs crossed.

" So you have two little sisters who are basically fully grown, but you don't want them to have boyfriends?",

Ethan nodded, " Guys are stupid, why would they want to have boyfriends",

" Ok so I shouldn't talk to you then, cause guys are stupid", Lily said, looking at him as she laughed.

" Probably, but it's your choice",

She narrowed her eyes before shrugging, " I tend to have a thing for stupid guys",


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