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lilypaige see u in February ➡️➡️ #sportsmuck Comments

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lilypaige see u in February ➡️➡️ #sportsmuck

rutgermcgroarty get me a woman like this
markestapa get help

annierout the only man I need in my life 😍
lilypaige I'm not a man

edwards.73 this goes hard
markestapa bro


Lily and Ethan had been texting everyday straight for almost a week now, and Annie begged her to hangout with him. " How am I supposed to hangout with him? Like what are we even gonna do",

Annie shrugged, " talk? You have to give it a try, why not. If it doesn't work out it doesn't", she paused, " but it will".

The blonde shook her head and laughed, pulling the hoodie over her head. " Why don't you hangout with mark?",

" Ok fine, be like that",

" Or we could just hangout together. They are like, best friends are they not?", Lily asked. Annie screamed, obviously forgetting how close the two boys were.

" You're just so smart, I'll tell mark that you like ethan and see what he says",

Lily immediately looked at her, " I never said I liked ethan. Just say him and I are friends and us four should do something",

Annie nodded, going on her phone and typing quickly. Lily grabbed her keys for the apartment, her friend following slowly behind as they decided to walk to get food for tonight.

" Mark said, their house is hosting a party this weekend and we should come. They can walk and come get us if we want them too",

The blonde gave her a thumbs up, as they exited their apartment building and walked side by side on the sidewalk. It made them both excited that the guys they thought were attractive also happened to be friends. Maybe not as close as the two girls, but they were friends. Lily hadn't had a boyfriend since her last boyfriend back home in Arizona, which ended because he cheated on her, with her best friend at the time.

Ethan, had never had a girlfriend period. He always had situationships in highschool, but never got to the point where he had an actual relationship. He was almost embarrassed to admit it, so he never did. Most assume he has had one, probably because of his good personality, and his looks probably pay a good part in it as well. When Mark told him what Annie had said, he was suddenly excited for the party they were having, and he hates hosting them.

They continued to text, talking about their upcoming weekend. Lily could tell he was excited, but she wasn't one to give in easily to any guy, no matter how attractive he is. That's what made Ethan interested in her, she didn't just immediately fold for him, she liked to drag him along and leave it alone sometimes. It made him want to talk to her more, and actually get to know her.

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now