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Lily sat at her desk, finishing one of her projects she had for a class this semester. Even though her last semester was hard, she was thankful she got her more difficult classes out of the way for the year. Annie had asked her to go out tonight, which she agreed to, since the two hadn't gone out in forever. Just as she was about to submit her project, she heard a knock on her door. Quickly she got up, opening it and seeing Ethan. " Yes?",

" Wanna get ice cream", he suggested, Lily looking at the time on her phone. " We'll be back in time for you to go out with Annie, promise", the girl nodded, quickly submitting her project and following Ethan upstairs.

" Are you guys getting ice cream?", Rutger asked, Lily nodding. " Can I come?",

" Nope", Ethan responded, before Lily could. Rutger groaned, going to ask Luca if he wanted to order food. Lily just laughed, the two getting into Ethan's car. She could tell he was nervous about something, but she didn't want to worry about it to much. " Where are you and Annie going tonight?",

Lily shrugged, " No idea. I think we're just gonna go for dinner or something", ethan nodding as they pulled into the parking lot of the ice cream store. " This is where we hung out for the first time, or where we got food for the first time",

Ethan smiled, " Yea, I know",

The two went inside, Lily not being able to decide what flavour to get. " I can't decide between cookie dough or mint chocolate chip", she groaned. Ethan laughed, going to the counter, ordering one of each. " Your favourite is just chocolate though?",

" I like any ice cream, come on, you should know that", he spoke, " plus, now you can have which ever", Lily smiled at him, wrapping her hand around his arm as they waited for the two workers to hand them the ice cream. Ethan grabbed both of the cones from the guy, thanking him before handing one of them to Lily as they sat at the picnic table outside.

" My mom called me today, she keeps asking me when I'm gonna introduce her to my boyfriend", Lily said laughing, " Obviously I told her I don't have one",

Ethan sighed, " I'm basically your boyfriend, aren't I?",

" You never asked me, so no, you aren't", Lily said, smiling innocently at him. Ethan rolled his eyes, the girl scoffing.

" Okay, Lily, will you be my girlfriend?",

Lily looked at him, " Are you serious",

" I'm dead serious", Ethan nodded, offering to swap ice cream with the girl. She took his, handing hers to him. " A yes would be good",

" Mmmm, I guess", Lily smiled, Ethan smiling and nodding. " This means I have to introduce you to my mom at some point",

Ethan shrugged, " I've already talked to her on FaceTime,"



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markestapa friends

annierout thanks for posting us

edwards.73 a wholesome guy some would say
  markestapa stfu

lilypaige thx.

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now