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   Lily and Annie walked to the coffee shop on campus, ordering themselves iced coffees, like they do every Wednesday. The two girls had plans to go out tonight with Maisie, all of them meeting at the apartment the two girls shared.

" Tell Ethan to come out with us",

The blonde looked at her, " Um, why would I tell him that. We aren't really friends",

Annie rolled her eyes, the two exiting the small shop and heading back to their place. Lily hadn't seen Ethan since she bumped into him last week, and she debated on messaging him on instagram. She wasn't sure why, since they were barely even friends. But she couldn't stop thinking about the conversation the two had at the one party, she thought he was actually fun to talk to.

" Have you heard from Mark?",

" Yeah we talked yesterday. We talk a lot, actually", Annie said smiling. Her best friend smiled at her, unlocking the foyer door and following her to the elevator. Once the two girls got inside, they both showered before hanging out on the couch before they had to start getting ready.


7:56 PM

what's up Lily

Why are you messaging
me on instagram

What else am I supposed
to text u on..

Speaking of that, send ur
number over


I think not


You just asked why I was
messaging you on instagram😆

I'm kidding



Ok true this is a lot


Why did you text me?

I thought we were getting
somewhere last week

Plus, might as well have ur
number in my phone for
next time

Wdym next time🙈

Idk where I was going w


Lily just turned her phone off, going into her room to begin getting ready. She found herself feeling flustered, since Ethan texted her, and asked for her number. She didn't look to much into it, not wanting to get her hopes up.

Annie came into her room, shoving her phone into the girls face. The blonde grabbed it, laughing at Annie. " Bitch, comment on it on your phone. Like now",

Her friend left the room, Lily rolling her eyes before grabbing her phone.



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