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lilp us bc school ends in over a month Comments

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lilp us bc school ends in over a month

anyroute yay mark are u gonna have us at ur cottage
  markestapa yes

edwards.73 yay

rutgermcgroarty over a month until I can sleep peacefully bc we wont have a connected wall😎
  lucafantilli i wanna die bc of that comment i cant see        them that way
      rutgermcgroarty i couldnt either.

anyroute I dont like these comments
  lilp same

Over the past few weeks, Ethan and Lily had been acting more like a couple than anyone they'd ever seen. It confused their friends, since they would say they aren't even a thing, but everyone knew they were. Rutger constantly complained about having to have the room next to Lilys, which made her slightly embarrassed, but she just told him to grow up. But everyone in the house was excited for the semester to finally be over, so they could all go to Marks lake house. Who knew he had one, since he only told everyone a couple weeks ago. Seeing as the semester ended around April, everyone would go to the lake house at the end of May. He said they could stay as long as they wanted, since his parents didn't really use it anymore.

The two teenagers walked back to the house, just walking to get food from the gas station down the road.
" Do you think our friends think we're dating?",

Ethan shrugged, opening the drink he got himself. " Probably, but whatever. We basically are anyway", Lily couldn't tell if he was joking or not, but she didn't hate the idea of him being serious. " I didn't mean that seriously, like, we obviously aren't but I don't know",

Lily smiled, " We basically are. When did you last spend a night in your own room?", she said laughing, Ethan rolling his eyes as they approached the house. " But we basically are", she said, the two standing at the front door. Lily looked up at the boy, who already seemed to be looking down at her. Before she could even think about anything, Ethan pressed his lips against hers. She was slightly worried that someone was going to be leaving the house, but she ignored it.

Eventually they both pulled away, quickly going inside and seeing most of their friends in the kitchen. " Did you get anyone else snacks or?", Luca asked. They both shook their heads, Lily offering them the chips she bought. They gladly took it, everyone hanging out in the kitchen.

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now