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lilypaige happy halloween from me n my other half!!Comments

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lilypaige happy halloween from me n my other half!!

annierout my sailor 😊

edwards.73 caption hurts
annierout sit down

markestapa W photography
lilypaige okay just compliment yourself

luca.fantilli Yaya Halloween

sierra.loe almost lax szn!!!!
lilypaige counting down the days

Lily and Ethan played a game of beer pong against Luca and Rutger, who seemed to be losing badly. " Rut, I thought you were good at this game", she said laughing

" Yeah come on, fridge. You were bragging not even five minutes ago", Ethan said to the younger boy.

Rutger shrugged, " I haven't played in forever",

" We played like two days ago", Luca said confusedly, Rutger shoving him slightly,

The four continued their game for a little longer, before the two younger boys finally accepted their defeat after drinking every cup till they were empty. " Wanna play again"?,

Luca and Rutger shook their heads, wandering off to find water. Ethan and Lily laughed, the two going to get themselves more drinks.

" I'm just going to the bathroom, I'll be back" she said to the taller boy who nodded, Lily walking upstairs and heading into the washroom.

Once she came back downstairs, she couldn't find Ethan anywhere. She obviously didn't worry, since he very much could handle himself. The girl hung out with Annie and Mark, the three talking about a random topic that Lily had brought up. Eventually she found herself hanging out with Luca and Rutger, doing shots with the two younger boys.

" Wheres Ed?",

Lily shrugged at Luca, the boy furrowing his eyebrows. After the two boys kept questioning her, she finally decided to go find Ethan is the crowded house. She asked a few people, all of them saying he was outside. Lily looked out the large windows, seeing him with another guy. She didn't want to intrude, so went to leave. She then saw Ethan storming inside, and immediately notice how irritated he looked. Lily went to stop him, but he made his way upstairs and slammed his bedroom door shut.

She knocked on the door, not getting any response. Lily was worried, so she opened the door and closed it behind her. " You ok?",

" Not now Lily, seriously", he said is a low tone. Throwing a hoodie over his head, not turning to face her.

She scoffed, " You don't need to be such a dick, could've said it nicely?",

Ethan groaned, sitting down on his bed and looking up at the girl. " Sorry, I'm just annoyed. Don't worry about it",

" Do you wanna talk about it?",

He shook his head, the girl nodding and heading towards the door. " Wanna go for breakfast tomorrow?", he asked, the girl nodding. " And why don't you just stay up here, the basement will be super loud".

Lily nodded, going into his closet to find herself something to wear before heading into the bathroom.

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