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Lily sat awkwardly in Ethan's room, the boy sitting on his phone. He was annoyed for some reason, not at her, but just in general. " Do you wanna talk?", Lily asked, Ethan mumbling a no. She just nodded, messing with her nails. Lily just sat there, looking around his room. Ethan glanced at the girl every so often, who seemed to avoid eye contact with him.

" You can go if you want", Ethan said, putting his phone on his side table, drinking from the bottle of water beside him.

" I'm not going anywhere, E, all yours. You seem annoyed", she said, moving beside him, " what's wrong?", Ethan shrugged, Lily rolling her eyes. She realized that he never really talked to her about his feelings, and she wanted him to. " You're always there for me, so why won't you just let me be there for you?",

Ethan shook his head, sitting up slightly. " I am letting you, but nothings wrong. Just one of those days, I swear", Lily nodding, " So what do you wanna do?",

Lily shrugged, looking at the time on her phone. It was already 9:30, " I might just go to bed. I have class in the morning", she pointed out, grabbing her phone and lip balm.

" Where are you going?",

" My room", she shrugged. Ethan looked at her weirdly, earning a laugh from the girl. " I'm not spending the night with an annoyed loser", Lily joked, Ethan pulling the girl back onto his bed, begin to taser her waist so she started screaming slightly.

" Say sorry right now", he said, laughing himself. Lily shook her head, the boy continuing to tickle her, watching as her face was turning red.

" Ok ok! Fine, sorry you aren't a loser", Lily said, Ethan raising his eyebrows at her, " And I'll spend the night. We can do whatever", she said laughing. Ethan smiled, repeatedly kissing her lips quickly before she joking pushed him off her. " If we keep going, we're just gonna earn another comment from rutger", she joked

Ethan shrugged, " Don't care".



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edwards.73 almost the end of the season 💁🏻‍♂️

rutgermcgroarty him
  edwards.73 get off my meat would u
     rutgermcgroarty u should tell Lily that

lilypaige I captioned this and posted it
  markestapa so do u want an award???

role model, e.edwardsWhere stories live. Discover now