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Lily stood at the end of the bed that her and Ethan were sharing, her arms crossed as she stared at the boy who was beginning to wake up. " Rough night?", she asked, Ethan rubbing his eyes and immediately drinking the water beside the bed.

" Yea, the guys decided to stay up late", he mumbled, flopping back down into bed. Lily groaned, walking over to him and pulling the covers off him, " Woah, what's wrong?",

" We were supposed to leave two hours ago to meet my family for brunch!", she whisper yelled, his eyes widening. " I already went, I told them you were sick",

Ethan stood up, bringing a hand to the side of her arm. " I'm so sorry, I forgot. This is my fault, I knew I shouldn't have stayed up late and been drinking all night",

" Yeah, it is your fault, glad you're aware", Lily said, walking out of the room. Usually she wouldn't care, but her parents have been dying to meet Ethan, and they planned this brunch almost a month ago. Her parents are staying near the lake house for a few days with some friends, so they thought it was the perfect time. It meant a lot to her, about how her parents viewed her and Ethan's relationship. She looked up to them, especially since they had such a healthy relationship after a long time of being together. What annoyed her, was that Ethan knew that. He knew how she felt about their opinions, and wanting to show them that she had truly found the perfect guy. Even though it was a small mistake, it made her wonder if he had the same values as her when it came to their relationship.

" Hey Lily, how was your brunch?", Dylan asked, Lily shrugging as she walked outside to go sit on the dock. Ethan followed closely behind her, Dylan eyeing him, " What did you do? Oh, you forgot the brunch", he gasped, Ethan groaning as he also went outside.

" Can we talk about this? I don't want you to be upset",

Lily scoffed, " But I am upset. It's important to me for you to meet my family, and for them to meet you as well. I've talked about you to them for like as long as I can remember since we met, so I'd like for you to actually meet them",

Ethan stood in front of her, her back facing the lake. " I know, and I'm sorry. I can apologize all day, but it won't make up for it. I know how important it is to you, and I made a stupid decision. I'm sorry", Lily sighed, messing with the hem of her shirt. " Can they go for brunch tomorrow? Or early breakfast, if they're leaving?",

She shrugged, " I'll ask". He nodded, pressing a kiss onto her lips. It didn't even feel like one, since it was one sided. She just gave him a slight smile, walking past him and going inside.

Lily found herself sitting with Annie on the front step outside, telling her about what happened. " Obviously, Ethan's stupid. He made a mistake, but don't let it really upset you. At least you guys can go tomorrow. He didn't do it on purpose, you know that",

The blonde knew her best friend was right, but she found it so hard to just forgive him. Maybe because since they got to the lake house, he'd been like that. Using his friends choices as an excuse for forgetting about things they were gonna do, " Yeah, you're right",

" Just, take a second to relax. Then talk to him again, you'll be ok", Lily just nodded. She went back inside, going upstairs and having a shower. After changing into a dark blue bikini top and black jean shorts, she went on a slight mission to find her boyfriend.

" Have you seen Ethan?", she asked Rutger, who motioned to the workout room in the garage. Lily thanked him, walking into the room. Ethan sat on the bench, looking at something on his phone. The door shutting behind her announced her presence in the room, Ethan standing up right away. " Can we talk?",

He nodded, sitting back on the bench. Lily stood in front of him. Ethan placed his hands on the girls hips, waiting for whatever she was gonna say.

" I'm sorry for overreacting. I know you didn't do it on purpose, and I shouldn't have made it such a big deal",

" you weren't overreacting, Lily. I made a mistake, and you have every right to be mad at me for it. But I wanna fix it, I want to meet them too",

Lily nodded, " Brunch, tomorrow morning. Same time, but be present this time", Ethan smiling and nodding. He stood up, wrapping his arms around the girl as she placed her head against his chest. Just as he placed a soft kiss on the top of her head, he heard her mumble something.

" What'd you say?",

" Nothing. Nevermind", She immediately said, her face red. Lily actually said ' I love you', but she thought maybe he wasn't ready for that. Ethan looked at her weirdly, the girl laughing awkwardly. " I'm going to tan with Annie, see you",

Ethan nodded, " I love you too, by the way",

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